Dec 20, 2021, 5:13pm
Hunter was getting used to his routine after a few days. He would wake up before sunrise and do his morning exercises, which consisted of stretching, running while carrying rocks, push ups ...
Coming Festival
Dec 20, 2021, 2:24pm
The next few days pass in a blur. The activity in the city seems to build to a crescendo. The ships have been unloaded and loaded again with the colony exports. Its crews make the most of a ...
After Dinner
Dec 20, 2021, 10:47am
JP: Winteroak + Omni
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - After Dinner
The Lord Commander kept eating weighting out this revelation and what this meant for the Inquisitor. ...
Evening reflections
Dec 20, 2021, 3:29am
When the remaining training drills were over and done with, Alexis returned to the Barracks with the crowd of successful recruits.
Following her routine, she took diligent care of her equ ...
Quiet Time
Dec 19, 2021, 10:44pm
Timestamp: Barracks
Hunter was glad he asked about the rules of hunting since they did have some. He needed to limit his targets and territory and by the sound of things he might ...
Rank & Opportunity - Retro Arrival
Dec 19, 2021, 8:30pm
If you'd seen one port you'd seen them all. They were dirty and smelly centre's of commerce, and manned by men imbued of both and imbibed on cheap rum. What the tide carried away, the tide ...
Dec 19, 2021, 5:39am
JP Omni & Winteroak
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - Evening
You feel the eyes of the Lord Commander peering into you. The man is clearly trying to read you. And ...
These Hands Aren't Made For Stonework
Dec 19, 2021, 3:05am
Jiyn happily let anyone who wanted salt take as much as they wanted, even though it wasn't the people he was particularly aiming for.
Well, except for Tarmen since he accepted. He liked ...
Dec 18, 2021, 2:05pm
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Courtyard - Midday
A nearby soldier looked at the boy with the salt and asked if he could have some. Even salted pork could always use a bit more salt. ...
Dec 18, 2021, 11:21am
Hunter looked at Jiyn as he happily joined them. When he offered some salt and looked his way, Hunter respectfully declined it. Jiyn seemed like a nice guy and all but the stew was fine the ...
The Runt Appears
Dec 18, 2021, 10:40am
As Alexis left Tarmen to his now blooming thoughts, she was almost immediately replaced in his focus by a newcomer.
He had seen him briefly, conversing with many that had later been removed ...
Great Hall
Dec 18, 2021, 9:01am
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - Evening
As you are escorted to the Keep's Great ...
Young blood
Dec 18, 2021, 4:27am
Alexis had listened to Frespit’s thoughts on what little information they had been given and found them similar to her own.
She nodded her agreement and left the man to his thoughts whi ...