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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Jiyn
Quiet Time
Posted byPosted: Dec 19, 2021, 10:44pm
Timestamp: Barracks
Hunter was glad he asked about the rules of hunting since they did have some. He needed to limit his targets and territory and by the sound of things he might have to hunt with others. This was not a good thing for Hunter since he picked the job of hunter to work solo. Having to work with others limited his movements, skillset and his making his own private meat jerky stash. So if he did have to kill any wolves or large cats he would only keep the skins since they could be used for materials.
Of course the Odsier herds were off limits for now since it would bring trouble with the natives. As he listened to the others at lunch he noticed most of the soldiers didn't have a good opinion of the natives and it sounded like they would be removing that problem in the future. Hunter was all to familiar with territory disputes since he had a hand in removing the opposing leaders of his former Nobel boss. So killing others never really bothered Hunter since it was the core of his existence. Since he was a tool he denied many other things in life such as faith, religion, friends, family, love and basically any meaningful relationship. So it was taboo for him to get involved with the Nobel's daughter, but they both paid dearly for that in the end.
This experience made Hunter close off his feelings and focus on a simple future where he could lead a simple life. He had noticed some had ambitions, desires, religion and narrow minded thinking, but that was their problem since he had no intentions of getting close to anyone. True he would have to show respect and professionalism when working with others, but he would prefer his alone time more. The big question was what was he going to do with his alone time. He planned to do his training, keep a coded diary, read the few books he had received from his past love and do maintenance on his weapons.
So after dinner he prepared his weapons when he was alone then packed them back up. After that he caught up on his diary entries. He kept them simple and used an old code to enter important information that he didn't want to share. Most of his entries were just three sentences long and it began when he boarded the ship. On one page he had a page with tallies on it to count the days since his beloved was killed. Only he would know what that meant in case someone peaked at his diary. Since he lacked anyone to confide in he used his diary to keep his wits about him. He had seen others loose their mind from the stress of life from his fellow assassins to struggling Nobles to commoners who can't afford to live. Seeing all that suffering was a normal thing for him since he was trained to not care, at least till he fell in love, but once she was gone he stopped caring again.
He did have some concerns about fitting in and making a simple living as a hunter without revealing his past. He was also concerned about the holy woman who was on the ship. She was a strong willed woman who endured as best as she could on a ship for two months they were at sea, but that was not his concern. His main concern was that she was a bit of a religion zealot. He had seen others like her who live to "Save the Children of the Gods" and remove the heathens permanently. She was indeed a dangerous woman since she had the church to back her, so he had no plans to get close to her. Hopefully he could avoid getting close to anyone, but regardless he still had to stay on good terms with Alexis, Tarmin, Jiyn and the rest of the soldiers, hunters, guards and knights.
Once he was done with his diary he tried to read a bit but he was not in the mood so he pulled out a carving knife and began to make some new arrows. During the two years he traveled before getting on the ship he had been making his own arrows and did his best to recycle his old arrows and their parts. The arrowheads were the most important since it was not easy to buy more while avoiding the public. He could get wood, twine and feathers from the woods and flint for stone arrowheads if needed, but they didn't last long since they chipped. Since he was going to be hunting a lot he needed arrows to do his job.
Granted he could buy some from the market, but after seeing the poor quality of the bows and arrows in the training yard, he preferred to make his own. To hide the quality of his bow he covered most of the wood with fur since it offered protection and made it look more savage. The last thing he needed was a jealous thief taking his stuff since he would have to hide the body later on. Regardless of ones skill level, making arrows was a time consuming process and Hunter found it quite relaxing as he worked on making a new quiver full. Warped, cracked and old arrows were a danger for anyone who used a bow since it reduced their ammo and accuracy in times of need. Once Hunter was done with his batch of arrows he bundled them up and packed them in his backpack for safe keeping. He then readied his warning string in case someone tried to steal his pack in the middle of the night he would feel it being pulled. Then he laid on his cot and read his book till the others came back to go to sleep.