Showing posts 2731 - 2745 of 2812


Dec 17, 2021, 3:03pm by Winteroak

Timestamp - Misty Ward - Evening Sir Zane called a bell before the Arbiter was due to dine with the Lord Commander, to escort Voah to the Keep. They walked past Suncross square as ...


Dec 17, 2021, 1:46pm by Omni

Arcadia > Ostiarium > Misty Ward Rectory/Priory Gardens The wooden dummy toppled over as it took a kick to the face. Well into her practice, Voah was sweating and panting. ...


Dec 17, 2021, 9:16am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Lowood late afternoon. The vagrant lowers his voice even further. "I heard they can pull a man's soul from their body and make it their slave..." he looked around lookin ...

Wolf, Lord Commander and the courtyard

Dec 17, 2021, 12:41am by red_sword7

Lord Commander office after two bells Wolf listened to the Lord Commander's replies. Wolf was used to giving his advice or suggestions. Wolf had seen what happens a few times if you under ...

Of the faith

Dec 16, 2021, 7:43pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Misty Ward - midday Friar Jassin Balvaris listened to the Arbiter as he walked alongside her. He kept his hands folded inside the sleeves of his dark blue robes. People ...

A Loose Thread

Dec 16, 2021, 7:30pm by Fluggins

Jiyn didn't think his trip was special in any regard, nor did he care to complain about it. Every tired face he saw loading and carting off goods had to have gone through it at least once, r ...


Dec 16, 2021, 5:34pm by Zeeke

Wim looked at the vagrant and smiled, at him. “How close do the natives get?” He asked. Like many young men, his mind his mind was curious about theses people. He wants to see them in ...

Sensing Conflict

Dec 16, 2021, 4:54pm by Omni

Once the knight had exited the hall, the Arbiter took a walk with the Friar and asked more questions. Though her mind raced with questions and opinions, she tempered herself and kept her tho ...

The Big Questions

Dec 16, 2021, 4:12pm by LucianNepreen

When the time for meal break was called, Tarmen was expecting similar stuff to whatever it was they had on the ship. If the Drunken Hare was anything to go off of, it was safe to be pessimis ...

Small talk

Dec 16, 2021, 3:52pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Lord Commander's Office - Stoneshade Keep - Afternoon The Lord Commander looked at you perplexed. "My dear man. Is that brandy too strong for you? Civilised means diffe ...

Lord Commander and Wolf

Dec 16, 2021, 2:56pm by red_sword7

Lord Commander's Office - Stoneshade Keep - Afternoon "Thank you, Lord Commander," said Wolf accepting the drink. It was good to have something of that quality here in Ostiarium thought w ...

Word on the streets

Dec 16, 2021, 9:16am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Lowood afternoon The vagrant looks at you with an confused but grateful expression on his face. He tells you he lost his job as a fisherman a few weeks ago because of ...

Taking it all in

Dec 16, 2021, 1:39am by Bandorchu

Alexis was quite pleased to see the established soldiers join them. There was a chance those a bit lower down the food chain might be a bit more talkative. She did not expect to get a ful ...

One Last Question For Now

Dec 15, 2021, 10:02pm by Omni

Voah graciously accepted the envelope and set it aside. “Very well. I expect you’ll be escorting me tonight, Sir Eudon? I’m afraid I don’t yet know my way.” She could, of course ...

Day 2 - Afternoon - Lowood - Wim

Dec 15, 2021, 8:53pm by Zeeke

Wim went looking for information. The night before he had been given an education now he was going to start doing his homework. He was trying to find the old beggar he shared food with to tr ...

Showing posts 2731 - 2745 of 2812