Coming Festival

The next few days pass in a blur. The activity in the city seems to build to a crescendo. The ships have been unloaded and loaded again with the colony exports. Its crews make the most of a few days shore leave they have before rushing back, before the Sea of Storm passages close for the winter. Most newcomers try to settle into their new lives and routines, while a desperate few try to book passages back to Helias with greedy Captains.

Everywhere you look the denizens of Ostiarium seem to be preparing for the Fall Festival. Its one of the most widespread celebration of the year. Marking the end of the harvest. A celebration to Hoi, goddess of Fertility and sex.

"Tend to thy body as a beautiful garden, a sturdy tree or a fertile field, for it brings all the fruits and pleasures of life. Till thy earth, entice thy lover, nurture thy child, reap thy harvest."

It is celebrated with much gratification and high hopes. It's a holiday with millennial roots that some scholars believe to be the oldest. It is officially celebrated for one day, but the final celebrations often lasts deep into the night and even into the next day. A full day of eating, drinking, dancing and singing. A celebration of the flesh. A day to celebrate being alive. And of thanks to Hoi.

Wim Riese - You find 4 casks of ale that miraculously survived the fire that burned down your brewery. In fact the Lord Commander already purchased two of those paying you 6gp for each. The barrels are to be delivered to the Keep two days after the Festival finishes, which you find odd.

Voah Sahnsuur - You spend the next few days pondering your upcoming mission and decide to reach out to Boyce Blackwolf, whom you have seen around the Misty Ward.

Boyce Blackwolf - The day after your meeting with the Lord Commander you spend some time exploring the city and deciding what should your first type of research into the New World should be, until Arbiter Voah reaches out to you with a proposition.

Alexis Greyriver - At the end of the five days you are told that after the festival you will be moving to the Stoneshade Keep. You are to join the Colonial Army directly reporting to the Knights of Salos. Hendrik has been assigned to the City's Guard. You are also promised a parcel of land when your three years tenure is due. You are paid 8sp a day.

Tarmen Frespit - You are assigned as a hunter and scout to the city. You will live in the Barracks district when you are not performing your duties. During times you are not out hunting you are expected to help with butchering and tanning. Your first assignment is due in the next few days. You are paid 3sp a day.

Hunter - Although clear that you have undersold your skills you are assigned as a hunter and scout to the city. You will live in the Barracks district when you are not performing your duties. During times you are not out hunting or scouting you are expected to help with butchering and tanning. Your first assignment is due in the next few days. You are paid 3sp a day.

Jyin - You scrape by the skin of your teeth. The sergeants all see potential in you and great spirit. You are assigned to the light division of the colonial army. You will continue to live in the barracks district and you have been told already that you will be helping with the building of the city's outer wall when the festival is over. You are also promised a parcel of land when your three years tenure is due. You are paid 5sp a day.

Melandra Avalloc - As a fencing tutor to some of the youngster children in Ostiarium, mainly Knights progeny and the Duke's own son, you are invited to attend the gathering he is organising to celebrate the Festival. Although your past is still a secret you are clearly a woman of breeding and social standing.

Till - You know you can easily find a job with the fishing crews that work the Bay of Pearls. However you are not sure if you are staying in Ostiarium or returning to roam the seas.

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