Young blood

Alexis had listened to Frespit’s thoughts on what little information they had been given and found them similar to her own.

She nodded her agreement and left the man to his thoughts while she was doing some thinking herself.

The young man that joined them somewhat unexpectedly pulled her out of her reverie.

Alexis looked up and surveyed their newest meal companion. Jiyn, as he introduced himself, was one of the younger recruits.
He would have seemed somewhat out of place, not quite used to the standard weapons they were tested with today, but he was definitely in good shape and seemed to possess raw talent. Alexis assumed he would make it to the end of the evaluation if he put his back into it.

“… Alexis.” she responded to his introduction, denying his offer of salt with a somewhat polite hand-wave.

“I’d suggest to take humanoid and wildlife threats equally serious. They tend to be dangerous in different ways.”

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