Great Hall

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - Evening

As you are escorted to the Keep's Great Hall, you see the Lord Commander standing near a huge fireplace holding a golden goblet, gazing into the burning logs.
Duke Osdel Stoneshade, leader of Ostiarium.

The firepit and slender braziers dotted around room light up most of the Great Hall and engulf it in a glimmer. You see several tapestries depicting the Empire of Salos hanging from the ceiling, dancing in the flickering light of the impressive room.

A long wooden oak table splits the entire room in half, sigils hang from the walls in hues of black and red. Between each banner stands a large candlestick, almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the heraldry.

The two head chairs are covered in complicated motifs and fixed on each of its broad feet are encrusted symbolic emblems, adorned with embellished carvings.
You have been to grander Halls but are impressed nonetheless, not expecting its opulence for this size of the settlement.

The Lord Commander smiles at you. You see his gaze wash over you, appraising you. He leads you to the table where you sit directly to his left, as he takes the head seat.
A small feast greets you in the corner of the table where you sit, the aromas assail you and your stomach rumbles at the sight of the food after so many days at sea with meagre rations.

Pork chops with apple sauce and potatoes lathered in melting butter. Two small roasted fowls with greens. An offal pie of some sort, crusty and steaming. An intricate carafe of wine sits next to the Duke who moves to pour you a cup.

"Welcome to Ostiarium, Arbiter." He says smiling at you, locking his gaze with yours. "I have been looking forward to your arrival..."

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