After Dinner

JP: Winteroak + Omni

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - After Dinner

The Lord Commander kept eating weighting out this revelation and what this meant for the Inquisitor.

“I have heard only rumors of rumors and no one that I have spoken to seems to know any more than that.”

"Let us retire to my office. Where we can speak without interruption." He said wiping his mouth gently and getting up

Voah stood, giving a slight bow and let the Lord Commander escort her through the grand halls to his office. Once inside she noticed a large wooden model of the city in a table to left of the door and a map of what she knew to be Arcadia hanging in the wall above it. She silently marveled at the craftsmanship.

Candles were dotted around the room. The Duke poured two measures of apple brandy and moved to the wall looking at the map where he waited for the Arbiter to join him.

"From the little we have gathered from our dealings with the natives, the Odsier tribes appear to control the land from here to here..."

'Odd name... I wonder if it is the colonial's naming or their own', she thought as the Lord Commander pointed to an area west of Ostiarium. He moved his finger from below the mountain range and moved it to the right and upwards towards the north of the continent in a crescent moon shape.

"We don't know how many tribes make up the Odsier, but we suspect it must be dozens."

She resolved to listen attentively, sipping the potent apple brandy and taking in the information.

The Lord Commander looked to her in the flickering light, wondering what was going through her mind.

“I hear you have sent out expeditions that have failed to return. How many times have you tried to contact this tribe and what more do you know of them?

"The city has sent groups out every year, since arriving. Close to fifty people all together at different times throughout the years." He told her looking at the area around the city. "We have had some minor trading with the natives. When they move down south for winter." Again he pointed to the areas west of the Bay, south of the mountains.

"That is where some have observed what they think is magik." He looked at the golden liquid in his cup. "Some strange rituals that seem to allow for commune with the spirits of the dead."

Voah contemplated the thought of speaking with the dead. Oh how she wished she could speak with her mother and father again but what would be the implications? She considered that for a moment. Disrupting the bonds of Zinheim? Certainly such a ritual would rack the spirit with abominable torture she decided.

“How ghastly, selfish and cruel.” she found herself saying aloud as she stared through the map.

She found herself wanting to know more about these Odsier tribes and why they would perform such atrocious acts. She wondered if there was more contact between them than the Lord Commander even knew.

"We have faired well this year. Our crops have not failed and the animals and some fishing from the Bay should keep most of us alive this winter." He told her not commenting on her opinions. "But all it takes is some form of disaster for things to change. Our situation is still precarious." He told her truthfully.
"That is why I am planning to trade heavily with the Odsier for some of their cattle." He drained his cup." We will meet them in their Winter pastures and attempt to trade for what we need."

"If it please, I shall join you. I should like to have a look at these natives with my own eyes."

The Lord Commander smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. As it makes asking the next easier. I was planning on asking you to lead the trade party." He told her and waited for her reaction.

The Lord Commander's words took her by surprise, which she hid by downing the rest of her brandy.

"When is this trade deal meant to occur?" she replied with a confidence that was at odds with her inner turmoil. Being a new arrival, she was thinking how she had only been here but a day and was not well acquainted with the people in the city, let alone a native tribe. But she didn't want to back down to a challenge and opportunity, after all, this was Arcadia.

"In a week or so. This cannot be a military operation. And I find myself lacking those that I can trust in such situations." He added glad she was accepting.

"I will assign a few guards to you and a scout of sorts. It might be a good thing to get a scholar to join you. It will be a good opportunity to learn more about the Odsier's ways. But you decide who joins you." He offered her a another brandy. " A small party, none threatening. We will be getting confirmation soon we can send our representatives to the pastures."

She politely accepted the brandy, gingerly grabbed the Lord Commander's hands and poured most of the drink into his glass before she took a sip.

"Thank you, my Lord, but I do not wish to overextend myself. I will need a clear head as I think on this company who will attend with me."

She was already thinking she must bring the scholar, Master Boyce Blackwolf, and her lucky star, Wim Riese. She would also inquire about the hosts of any previous trading parties to act as liaison.

The Lord Commander nodded at her but poured himself another measure. "It is settled than. We can discuss details closer to the date. I will be holding a small soiree during the Fall Festival and would be honoured if you would join me after your duties to Hoi on the day." He smiled.

"If you dance as well as you flatter, it would be my delight, my Lord."

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