
Hunter looked at Jiyn as he happily joined them. When he offered some salt and looked his way, Hunter respectfully declined it. Jiyn seemed like a nice guy and all but the stew was fine the way it was. So he politely ate his food as the others talked around him.

He noticed that Jiyn had struggled a lot during the weapons exercises and had tried to request fighting knives. He felt bad for him since he too fought with smaller blades, especially in tight quarters. However that was not a common weapon to bring to the military as a main weapon. Soldiers tended to use bows, spears, swords and shields, so when one specialized in non standard army weapons it was hard for them to fit in. As an assassin, Hunter was forced to use anything as a weapon from mugs, chairs, string, flutes, reeds, dirt and once even keys. True he could have qualified to join the guards or soldiers with his real skills, but that did not suit him. He wanted the least amount of attention as possible. And being a scout or a trapper suited him fine.

Then the conversation went to which was more dangerous, humans of wildlife. To Hunter they were both the same, however some animals were far harder to kill than the overweight, arrogant nobles and merchants. As a killer he showed his victims the same only respect he could. Make each kill efficient and painless. Be it men or beast.

Then Hunter had a question that was not asked yet. So he asked in general, "What are the rules on trapping and hunting? Just asking if we are limited to only the bow? Hunter then took a sip of drink then a mouth full of stew as he waited for a response.

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