Evening reflections

When the remaining training drills were over and done with, Alexis returned to the Barracks with the crowd of successful recruits.

Following her routine, she took diligent care of her equipment that she had to woefully ignore in favour of crude training weapons.
She most certainly hoped that they would be allowed to use their own weapons.
Sure, she would be capable to adjust to issued standard weapons, but, as any mercenary could relate, nothing ever compared to your own personal weapon.

Unlike soldiers that were outfitted by their lord, a mercenary had to cobble together their own equipment and replacements were not that easy to come by.

So a wise merc would take really good care of it. Your blade or bow or whatever your weapon of choice should be would most likely be by your side much longer than most people you’d cross paths with. You would come to know and trust that weapon more than most of those people, too.

When Henryk came around to ask for another evening of drinks, she gave a friendly declination this time.

It wasn’t even that she was worried there was another noble ass stirring trouble as Hendrik jokingly suggested, she just… wanted a bit of time to process what she had learned today. And that just wouldn’t work in a rowdy tavern atmosphere.

With the weather being relatively pleasant, she chose a to sit outside of the soldier quarters, shipping away at a block of wood to keep her hands occupied while she let her mind wander.

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