
JP Omni & Winteroak

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Great Hall - Evening

You feel the eyes of the Lord Commander peering into you. The man is clearly trying to read you. And not only that. Part of you feels he is appraising you has he would a prized mare. You are used to men lustful gazes, but there is more in his eyes. A calculation of sorts. The Duke tucks into the food in front of you.
"How have you been since arriving? Have you recovered you land legs yet?" He asked with a grin.

Voah accepted the cup of wine, nodded in polite thanks and took a gentle sip. She knew that look from her days in training with the Prelates and the Abbott, he was analyzing her. She returned a smile at the Duke, “My Lord, I would be seriously remiss to say that this was my most graceful arrival. But I find myself… adjusting. Thank you.”

Zane had been right. The woman was stunning. Easily one of most beautiful he had ever layed his eyes on. Elegant and athletic, with striking eyes and long blonde hair with fair glowing skin. "It takes time to adjust to our city. The only civilized beacon in these heathen lands." he tucked into the fowl using a long thin knife. "I must say I was expecting someone different. I have heard of your exploits and achievements in the service of the Inquisition, of coursem but was not expecting the Sword of Vastad to be so stunning."

As an Aspect of Hoi, flattery was not only welcomed but expected.

“It is important to keep one’s blade keen and polished, wouldn’t you agree? So too must I maintain myself.”

As an example, she held sideways the same type of knife as the Duke was using. She tilted it, forcing it to gleam candle light so the Duke could see it before grinning and cutting into her own roast bird.

"Slowly but surely, the work we do here in Ostiarium and Arcadia, will mean that the right kind of people are attracted to this world. More people like you. Radiant" he said again unashamedly flirting with her now. "I hear you are staying with the Friar. How is the Rectory suiting your needs?"

“Yes, my Lord. The rectory is not as impressive as what lies before me but fairs much better for me than the hold of a ship.”

He chuckled at her humour. "Well if you decide you would like to live in a place more suitable to your station, we would be glad to have you join us here at the Keep." He told her taking a sip of his wine. "How is the food? I trust it's to your liking?" He asked her letting her know she did not have to make a decision this instance. It was simply an offer to ponder upon.

After months of hard tack and jerky the food was mouth-watering.
“Exquisite.” She remarked, popping a succulent piece of fruit between her pink lips.

"Excellent." They ate for a while exchanging small pleasantries as a nearby servant came and went, replenish their cups.
"Glad as I am of having such graceful company and presence in my city, I must ask what are your plans now that you are in Arcadia. What do you see your role being Arbiter?"

Voah pondered the question deeply. She knew that although her station afforded her much leeway, she would still have to accept the Duke's influence.

"I have felt the pull of the land during my consecration to the Pillars." She said truthfully. "I would like to raise shrines to the other Pillars in Ostiarium. In time." She sipped her wine again. "But my main duty remains protecting the people by investigating and destroying signs of witchcraft."

The Lord Commander nodded.
"You have heard the stories already than?" He asked looking for her reactions.

"What stories?" She enquired. She felt that maybe now she was going to get some answers.

"Well, stories of magik my dear." His eyes bored into her. "How it seems to infect the land and its people."

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