
Arcadia > Ostiarium > Misty Ward Rectory/Priory Gardens

The wooden dummy toppled over as it took a kick to the face. Well into her practice, Voah was sweating and panting.

She thought back on the Friar's words. Worried. These people were worried what her presence meant for Ostiarium... while the truth was that she was worried about what it meant for her. For the last two months she wondered 'why Ostiarium?'. There was likely some kind of work for her on the fringes of Mizar, if that sorcerer clan in Kru'll was indication of anything. Was it the will of the gods or was it her own intuition that had pulled her toward this land of opportunity? Did it matter?

Kupen's belltower chimed three bells. Voah shook off the thought and returned to her training. She would continue where the wind took her and tonight it was dinner with the Lord Commander.

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