Lord Commander and Wolf

Lord Commander's Office - Stoneshade Keep - Afternoon

"Thank you, Lord Commander," said Wolf accepting the drink. It was good to have something of that quality here in Ostiarium thought wolf.

"If it pleases you Lord Commander you can just call me Wolf." There was a pause after while Wolf gaged the Lord Commendrs reaction. "I think many people were surprised of my trip here. Great Library of Orb was sad to see me go. But I said I would look into doing some research for the Great Library to send back to them." Wolf paused to take a sip of the brandy.

"The natives or indigenous people talked about. I could help you with them I think. starting up trade could help the relationship. Also, give us more of an idea of what is in the area for us to use and eat. Dealing with indigenous people can be difficult. A few things we forget are that we are the invaders, not them. and being civilized could have a whole different meaning to them." Wolf stood and walk over to the map and looked at it. I am here to help you Lord Commander if you need it. It would be beneficial I think for us to work together if you wish." suggested Wolf he did not want to push too much. Wolf another sip of the brandy.

"I have notest some trouble already with some of the commoners. In the Drunken hair. a rather brash noble buy seems to have a problem with a tattooed man over a book of some sort. The noble got punched in the face. Not that the noble boy probably did not deserve it. But it was the disregard of nobility that worries me. The tattooed man had no fear or was worried about the consequences of striking or even killing a nobleman." Wolf paused thinking on it all. taking another sip of his drink. " if some nobleman gets killed over something stupid it could look bad on Ostiarium back in the Empire." informed Wolf respectfully.

Wolf looked at the would castle "I see the main export so far is seems to be wood. I saw wagons yesterday and a few fur trappers, Lord Commander. I have not seen much of anything else being moved. Wood is heavy and it is hard to ship a lot of wood back to the Empire. I would say that the lumber workers know and traded with the indigenous people. could get some infomation from them on the indigenous people."

Wolf lingered a moment running his finger around the castle. "Which bringing me to the troops out side, Lord Commander. If I can ask. Are you building up to defend or attack somthing?" asked Wolf politely.

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