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Character Jiyn

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A Loose Thread

Jiyn didn't think his trip was special in any regard, nor did he care to complain about it. Every tired face he saw loading and carting off goods had to have gone through it at least once, right? Perhaps, Jiyn even had it better than the rest. Most of the poor souls traveling along with him lost the stars in their eyes after a month of mindless sailing. Let alone two.

Not Jiyn... At least not yet.

He felt like a crazy person leaving everything he had behind on the whims of visions. Not only were they infrequent but they were inconclusive on where he had to go. When the dreams stopped coming his mind would begin to fight him. "You're delusional, that has to be it. Only a mad man would travel to a land such as this for a woman on nothing more than daydreams." Thoughts of his group back in Cambena lifted his spirits in these darker times. "I'm doing it for them too" he thought, "We'll all be a family again. The only family I've ever had."

The bustle of the shipyard suppressed Jiyn's hunger for the moment. Watching all walks of life starting off at the same spot intrigued him. Poor souls aren't poor anymore here, even though Jiyn barely had any coin left over to begin with. It had been 3 years since he started his search and he knew taking care of himself was top priority if he was going to make it anywhere.

He retrieved the few odds and ends he brought in a satchel, along with strapping the sheath for his dagger around his hips and fitted it against his lower back. He lowered his hood after finding out it wasn't raining, and fixed his glasses. He asked the nearest, and least intimidating dock worker where the nearest inn, or tavern, or even any hole in the wall he could sit and eat at. "The Drunken Hare, huh... Sounds amazing, thank you." Jiyn gave the man a smile and a gentle hand as he brushed by him on his way to the start of his new life.

"Food and work... Food and work."

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