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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Wim looked at the vagrant and smiled, at him.
“How close do the natives get?” He asked. Like many young men, his mind his mind was curious about theses people. He wants to see them in a safe way.
Whispering back, “What type of magic?” He asked gently. He was hopping it was the type that could turn Sorrus into a frog or a cow.
That reminded him that he needed to go meet the blacksmith and see if he could find a chunk of metal that he might use in a fist might equalize Sorrus’ punching power. If he ran into him when he wasn’t looking in a dark alley.
He needed that dream, even if he figured he really need to just go talk to Sorrus. That book had bits and pieces of knowledge that he needed to be useful. Things like making twine and cords, how to bend wood, how to cut slats for barrels, a formula for making glass, a design for a block and tackle system, and most important to him the paper making process. He had copied a design for snowshoes that he wanted to try. His book also had a design for a full size loom, which was beyond his ability to make let alone operate.
Snow shoes would make him a little more useful and if they had fishermen, then they would have someone who knew how to weave nets, a skill he needed.
“I recommend you talk to the Friar and see if he could put in a good word for you with the captains,” he said.
“But, I f you see anything interesting, The Brewmaster will know how to get me,” he said as he stood up and headed out.
Exploring what type of live stock they had, if they had crops that were harvested beyond apples, and to see if there was any strong grasses that he might be able to twist into twine. He also wanted to see if there were any willow trees.
If allowed he will checkout the saw mill, he needs sawdust, and the area around the settlement.