Small talk

Timestamp: Lord Commander's Office - Stoneshade Keep - Afternoon

The Lord Commander looked at you perplexed.
"My dear man. Is that brandy too strong for you? Civilised means different things?" He scoffed at the notion that a bunch of pastoral nomadic tribes he just described to you could be considered civilized by anyone's standards.

He moved closer to you near the map.
"We are looking to strengthen our position in Arcadia. More troops make sense regardless of what they will be used for." He pointed at the vastness of the map. "We are alone in a hostile land. It pays to be prepared..."

He clearly ignored your comments on exports, as it had been spoken by someone fresh out of the boat and unaware of the reality of Ostiarium's tradeble goods.

"Your concern for etiquette and the observance of the law is commendable." He said refering to the Wim Reis incident. "However being a noble, if you would call that young man a noble, does not give one carte-blanche to act the fool." he told you making you aware that your reporting of matters in Lowood were unnecessary. The Lord Commander had eyes everywhere in the city. "Especially in Ostiarium."

He returned to his desk.
"Thank you for coming. I might take you up on your offer regarding the natives. We will discuss the matter at a later stage." He told you dismissing you.
"Oh, in a few days we will be celebrating The Fall Festival. I am having a little private gathering at the Keep. Do join us." He told you as if in command telling you an invitation would be sent to you in due course.

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