Escort Continued

JP: Winteroak + Omni
Arcadia > Ostiarium > Suncross Square

The Arbiter walked with the knight through the town, observing the people tearing down their stalls when the Knight finally broke the silence that she kept by complimenting the sword at Voah's hip.

"Thank you, Sir. Yes. It is silver plated and warded with special runes against magik. Would you care to look upon it yourself?"

"It is a fine looking weapon Arbiter, but I'm bound to touch no other weapon but my own." He said pointing to the two handed blade strapped to his back. "She's named 'Ravage' " he told her with a grin.

Voah nodded before turning her head, slightly blushing, to smirk to herself. "I see."
She wondered if this man thought of anything more than war and so she discretely adjusted her collar and robes to show a little more of her neck.

"If I may Arbiter, Ostiarium, is a long way from the Shrine-Cities of Mizar. What brings you here?" He took the opportunity to ask bluntly.

She was baiting him, but the question that came flustered her as it was not at all what she expected, at least not yet. She hesitated.

"I... I am here to do the work of the gods." she said with some certainty. "I assume you are a follower of Vastad?" she tried to turn the questioning back around.

He picked up on the slight hesitation but did not push it. "All warriors follow Vastad or Zin in some form or another but I do not pray to any of the Five Pillars." he answered her truthfully.

The Salarian knight was very stoic, possibly prideful. She decided to test that theory.
"Sir Eudon... Are you aware that myself and likely many others were victims of theft just yesterday as we made our way from the docks? A new arrival to the colony should feel safe and welcome. I mean no offense, but I presume the colony is having a difficult time thriving. One would expect that if the colony was doing well for itself, there would be no need for such petty crimes against newcomers. These migrants must be either faithless, under-stimulated, or they are jobless with no prospects in this land that is supposedly full of opportunities. Someone has failed them, perhaps they’ve failed themselves, perhaps it is those in power."

The Knight had heard of what had transpired at the Drunken Hare last night and wondered if this opinion had more to do with her own embarrassment at being robbed or something else.
"Arbiter, we have close to 800 souls calling Ostiarium a home. Three quarters of those that answered the call to come, have questionable backgrounds. Almost everyone is here because they are running from something back in Helias."
He sighed "Two years ago we lost almost 100 people to starvation. Life is hard. We are at the edge of the world. Beyond those forests lays a world even more alien than the jungles of Kru'll. It will be a long time before this city feels safe to newcomers."

Another stoic honest answer from her probe. This man was hard to read.
"I appreciate your candour, Sir Eudon and I pray that you don't take these accusations personally. My assumptions were not far off. It was the old world that failed them, and this new one proves too challenging."

She looked to her feet for a moment as they walked in silence and then she looked into the knight's eyes. "I admit the journey alone was a challenge that I have never faced... and... to answer your previous question more openly, perhaps I am running from something as well."

He nodded trying to hide his surprise at her sudden admissions. Arbiters were not known for showing vulnerability.
"We are here Arbiter. The Lord Commander awaits you." He bowed his head to her. Maybe we can continue this conversation some other time."

"Thank you, Sir." She smiled. "I would like that." she bowed in kind as she was whisked away into the Keep and Great Hall.

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