Showing posts 1336 - 1350 of 2814

Gathering information

Aug 21, 2022, 3:04pm by Bandorchu

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu "I heard nothing of an expedition to Sentinel." He said looking at Tarmen curiously. "Not many people in Arcadia would dare such a feat. All we kn ...

The Wild Pack Defeated

Aug 21, 2022, 1:11am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem: She arrived too late and she stood there panting, her chest heaving with each breath. She waved away the stench of the animals as she approached then she reached o ...

Dog Eat Dog World

Aug 21, 2022, 1:09am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem: Voah made her way down with heavy strides and a heavier heart, watching in horror as her beau was overwhelmed by three of the feral desert dogs. The horror turned ...

Over the Edge

Aug 21, 2022, 1:07am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem: Before she knew it, Gonyual disappeared over the edge of a dune. There was nothing for it, she had join and his pursuing attackers. Stomping her foot down on the n ...

Dangerous Dog Pile

Aug 21, 2022, 1:05am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem: Gonyaul didn’t give further attention to the dog rolling away in the sand for he sensed another coming in to bite at his left leg. It dawned on him that the firs ...

First Blood

Aug 21, 2022, 1:03am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem: They dropped their burdens and fell into defensive stances. Voah knew that she wouldn’t be able to fend off this many attackers for very long. Especially not in ...

Talking with the Walking People

Aug 20, 2022, 5:07pm by LucianNepreen

JP with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen A man with a black beard dressed I some form of dusty tunic took a step forward greeting you. You can see his clothes are covered with th ...

That Which Arrives

Aug 20, 2022, 1:13pm by Cindy

As Islana felt another shift and she sunk further down, the quicksand reaching higher on her, it was happening whether she moved or not, just taking longer. No animal came to her, at fi ...

Wild Pack

Aug 20, 2022, 12:47am by Omni

JP with Omni and Lorem Failing to scare off the desert dogs, the caravan was being stalked and flanked. Voah's whole body hurt, but after the last few days, she was not trying to g ...


Aug 19, 2022, 6:15pm by Winteroak

Islana - Woken from your delirious dream you find yourself in a predicament. You need to escape the sinking sand but everytime you move the further down you sink. You are waist dee ...


Aug 19, 2022, 5:19pm by Cindy

It was amazing, finding water when she needed it. According to the Ozainae priests others had done this journey and survived so why couldn't she. Islana wasted no time and went into the ...

On the Outskirts

Aug 19, 2022, 11:16am by LucianNepreen

Joint post with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen It wasn’t too long before the village that was supposedly Desdem came into view. Alexis wondered how they should proceed now. ...


Aug 19, 2022, 11:10am by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Voah and Gonyaul - Later that day when you had recovered some of your possessions and the merchants had recovered some of the animals and their good ...

Recovering Part 2

Aug 19, 2022, 10:55am by Omni

JP with Omni and Lorem Recovering the blade did nothing helpful for the looks that Voah and Gonyaul received, but she made sure to hold it in their bundle of recovered items and re ...

Recovering Part 1

Aug 19, 2022, 10:54am by Omni

JP with Omni and Lorem Staggering around a bit in her preliminary survey of what used to be their camp, Voah made her way back to Gonyaul who was shaking the sand from his clothes ...

Showing posts 1336 - 1350 of 2814