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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Dangerous Dog Pile
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Gonyaul didn’t give further attention to the dog rolling away in the sand for he sensed another coming in to bite at his left leg. It dawned on him that the first was just a distraction, hence why it had been so easy to push it away. He lifted his left foot, the beast not comprehending how fast his reaction time and limber mobility was. This moved his leg out of the snapping jaws of the dog; however, he was wearing a woolen robe and the hanging fabric lagged behind even though the leg behind it moved.
The dog got a full mouth of the robe and clamped down hard. It viciously shook it head back and forth, instinctually believing it had a part of him. Simultaneously the dog pulled backwards. Gonyaul felt his robe go taunt with the tension and had to strain to keep standing as it pulled and thrashed.
Gonyaul brought his staff around to try and pry the dog off his robe. His plan was to put one end rudely in its face so it would be forced to release him; however, he never got around to executing the idea. The feint attacking dog was recovering and a third was coming in for an attack. Gonyaul instead chose to shield himself from this new set of teeth.
The dog was halted by the staff, willingly taking it in his maw. It likewise began thrashing and pulling violently. Gonyaul held onto the staff with both hands, desperately trying to not let it get ripped away.
Now with one dog pulling him to the left by the robe, and another pulling him forward from the staff, he was vulnerable to that first dog that had recovered and came racing in with a jump at his right front side.
Gonyaul had no other option, he brought both hands holding the staff around to the right and used his end of the staff, pivoting it from the dog biting the other end, to block the impact.
Success! Yet the trade off was he was pulled and pushed at the same time completely off balance. He went falling in the direction of the dog gripping his robe and the jumping dog landing hard atop him.
Voah had to dodge an incoming snap from the jaws of a pair of dogs as they came at her simultaneously. She managed to escape the first attack whilst spinning her sword into a backwards position as the previously injured dog lunged. It's mouth and neck tore with the force as it took the blade instead of Voah's arm. It would not be returning from that wound and the sword was stuck in the bones, flesh and mangy fur around it's gullet.
Taking a chance to fend off the other, Voah, still holding the stuck blade, gave a massively hard boot to the rib cage of the third dog, sending it yelping away for the moment. In her condition, with the size of the animal and the lack of mobility from difficult, sandy terrain, the force of her blow would certainly not be enough to kill the creature, but it sufficed to buy her some more time. She caught the sight of Gonyaul in a very compromised position.
The smell of blood put the dogs into a frenzy now and they growled with bloodlust in anticipation for the kill. They would tear their prey apart and eat them alive. Frothy saliva roiled from the mouth of the dog who had Gonyaul pinned to the ground, it jaws being held back by little more than polished hard wood.
Gonyaul thought he would welcome any smell different than sand; however, he was wrong. The foaming dog on top of him had breath that tasted like vomit and decay. It made his eyes water and he also had to fight a gag reflex.
He caught sight of the free dog coming in quickly towards his head. He had to make a comprising decision. He wasn’t sure it was a good one but he only had time to act, not think.
Gonyaul forced his end of the staff into the mouth of the dog on his chest. It bit down hard and pulled and torqued the piece of wood. Saliva showered down all over Gonyaul. Now both ends of his staff was in the possession of two dogs and they pulled it completely away from him. It wouldn’t be long before the two frenzied beasts realize that the staff was inanimate and would release it and come back for another attack.
Gonyaul quickly ripped his head covering off as the third dog was coming in for his throat. He forced the balled up woolen fabric into its gaping mouth before it had a chance to get a piece of his neck.
The dog revolted and reared it’s head back violently to try and free the fabric from its face. Gonyaul held onto the end and rolled, grabbing the dog in the process. His hands working as they rolled to wrap the dog’s throat with the extra length. Sand went flying in all directions as the two struggled and tipped over an edge of a dune. The two began spiraling out of control as they picked up speed in the tumble due to the increasing slope.
Meanwhile, the two dogs that had pried away his staff released the object and gained control of their reason again. They moved to the edge of the slope and assessed their rolling victim and their comrade. Then they both took off down the slope in pursuit.