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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Over the Edge
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Before she knew it, Gonyual disappeared over the edge of a dune. There was nothing for it, she had join and his pursuing attackers. Stomping her foot down on the neck of the dead dog, she wrenched her sword free from its corpse and staggered back a few steps unsteadily. The dog she had kicked was busy rooting its muzzle into the gaping wound of the decapitated one. It would be too busy and happy with its meal to follow her.
Leaving behind the gear, Voah trudged down the slope trying desperately to move quickly enough to catch up to Gonyaul’s attackers but she wouldn’t make it before they got to him. The adrenaline coursing through her made her unaware of just how bad her wound was. Blood ran down her arm leaving thin trails behind.
Gonyaul groaned as he finally came to a halt, probably sliding the last ten yards on his stomach. His hair was completely mixed up with sand and disheveled. His raw skin underneath his outfit was on fire from the aggravating friction caused by the tumble. He struggled to his feet, resembling an undead corpse trying to animate itself. He was a bit nauseous from the out of control spinning.
Meanwhile the dog he rolled down the dune with was off a few feet to his side wheezing and not moving. The fabric had gotten tangled up into a knot around its neck tightly on the way down. It was gasping for air as it fought to stay conscious with the reduced oxygen intake.
As soon as Gonyaul stood shakily, the first of the two pursuing dogs reached him. It launched itself from the higher slope and Gonyaul leaned backwards catching its midsection with his hands. He continued falling backwards, committing to falling to the ground as he brought one leg up and under the dog. The dog went sailing through the air, thrown, and would land roughly into the sand; a rather agreeable cushion. It would soon be back on its feet.
Gonyaul was now on his back as the other dog reached him. It snapped at his leg. Gonyaul quickly moved his left leg as far from his right as possible, doing the splits. The dog bit air. He then quickly brought both legs inward and wrapped it around the dog’s neck and upper torso. He squeezed with all his might to try and pin the creature.
The dog went berserk trying to free itself. At this point Gonyaul felt he was running out of options. He had to give it everything he had to keep the dog wrapped between his legs immobile. If he let up in the slightest, that mouth full of teeth would have access to his lower abdomen and upper thighs.
The other dog had recovered and was coming towards him. He didn’t know how he was going to fend off this oncoming attack.
The free dog came in for a bite. Gonyaul prepared by twirling his right arm as fast as he could to wrap the sleeve of the woolen robe tightly around the appendage. His goal was to increase the layer of wool between his skin and the bite. Gonyaul offered his right forearm to the oncoming jaws.
The dog bit and pulled. Gonyaul screamed in pain. The layers of wool helped some, but he could feel the full force of the jaw’s pressure and the sharper and longer canine teeth working there way through the material into his skin.
He was being dragged through the sand by the animal. The other dog still locked between his legs.