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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
Talking with the Walking People
JP with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen
A man with a black beard dressed I some form of dusty tunic took a step forward greeting you.
You can see his clothes are covered with the same layer of dust and sand that are everywhere you look. To your surprise the man addresses you in Helian.
"Greetings. I am Zargari. Are you from the stone city?" He enquires.
Alexis was both surprised and impressed. She wished she had even a quench of the grasp on any of the Arcadian languages that this one seemed to have on Helian.
She nods to him.
“Greetings to you, too. My name’s Alexis and this is Tarmen. And assuming you mean Ostiarium we are indeed.”
The man nodded and smiled. "If you wish to trade you are welcome at our camp anytime." He said. "While we stay that is. Now that the sandstorm has passed we will be on the move as.soon as we repair one of our wagons." He explained.
Tarmen chimed in to the exchange, nodding towards the town.
“We just might need some supplies, but will probably be here a bit longer than you will be. Have you had much interaction with the locals?”
The man nodded. He looks back at some of his people and shouts some command you don't understand but it's clearly a different language from the Odsier or Odonine you have heard before.
Two men bring a large rug that they set in near the edge of the camp, and he invites you to sit with them. They bring a few cups and a jug of water while a young boy comes to take your horses away.
Once you finish with the offered water he explains. "We are the Atsigani. The Walking People. We trade with Desdem often." He tells you both.
Truly grateful for the water, Tarmen felt much more hospitable and definitely more vocal.
“Good to know this is the right town, havin’ to walk endless sand has been…. Interestin’ to say the least.”
Unsure how Alexis wanted to go about their journey, he looked for a bit of idle chatter.
“Curious thing, we ran into some boatmen that were attackin’ locals along the coast. Stone tools and beasts at their command. Would you have heard of such people?”
Zargari stroked his beard in thought. "Boatmen in the south lands this far East can only mean one thing." He said. "Raiders from Sentinel Island. You were lucky if you managed to elude them." He said surprised.
The mans comment earned a chuckle. Elude… right. He passed a look to Alexis to share this thought before returning to their host.
“I had heard an expedition was sent to a Sentinel Island sometime last year, but hadn’t heard much about what happened. Would you know anythin’ about these raiders?”
No, not quite eluded indeed.
Alexis returned Tarmen’s look, but lowered her gaze when he focused his attention back on Zargari, her hand resting on a certain package concealed under her clothes.