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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Wild Pack Defeated
JP with Omni and Lorem:
She arrived too late and she stood there panting, her chest heaving with each breath. She waved away the stench of the animals as she approached then she reached out a hand to Gonyaul, but instead of pulling him up, she ended up falling to the ground next to him.
She just sat for a few moments, catching her breath before she began to feel the intense pain of her mauled arm.
Gonyaul fell back, indeed thinking she was helping him up, only to find no pulling force to do so. When he regained his balance into a seated position, he did his best to help stabilize her too.
They were two hot, beat up, worn out messes. Both looked like they had lost a fight even though they technically won.
Gonyaul began earnestly checking her over. He was favoring his hurt arm.
“Please tell me you alright?” His eyes were being drawn to her arm with growing worry.
She bobbed her head, a little woozy as she held her arm and tried to control her breathing to manage the pain.
“I’ve had worse.” she said through a grimace. “Are you ok?”
It was true, but there was nothing around to clean and dress the wound and she wasn’t going to make it back up the dune any time soon. Feeling light headed, Voah unwound her headscarf and tried to wrap it around her bloodied arm.
Gonyaul began assisting her with the bandage, taking over for her. His right forearm hurt, but his wound was minor compared to her arm, and he could suck it up for the moment.
“No I not ok.” He honestly confessed. “You are hurt badly, Caravan left us for dead and no come to help, we barely survive dogs, I got bit, and I had to hurt something when it could been avoided.” He was venting, and noticeably flustered, the adrenaline from the fight still pumping through his system. In addition, he felt sorry for the dogs. They were just trying to survive too.
He was concerned about their wounds. Cleaning them with water might not be a good idea because they needed it to drink. But they needed to clean the wounds too.
“We need to get this clean.” He stated the obvious and continued binding it. For now stop the bleeding. Next figure out a way to reduce the change of infection.
He finished the wrap. “Good and tight?”