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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Dog Eat Dog World
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Voah made her way down with heavy strides and a heavier heart, watching in horror as her beau was overwhelmed by three of the feral desert dogs. The horror turned to hope as she saw that one had been choked up in cloth and another tossed through the air. It was short lived however and they descended upon Gonyaul again. He was in a very precarious position now and being dragged away.
The dog left behind stood peeking over the edge of the steep dune to survey the scene and decided to continue feasting upon its unearned victory, even if it was its own kin.
Gonyaul realized this was going to get further out of hand, potentially to a point of no return if he didn’t take definitive action. As much as he wished he could come up with another creative solution he couldn’t think of another way.
He grunted in intense exertion and squeezed his thighs inward against the head of the dog between his legs. He violently torqued his hips as he did so and a very loud and sickening pop sound preceded a crunching noise. He dislocated the beasts lower jaw, fractured its skull and pushed it further in upon itself. It looked like he was smashing the dogs head with his thighs. The loose hinge of the lower jaw was forced through the soft palette of the roof of its mouth.
The dogs ferocious barking immediately turned to a yelping whine of pain followed by disturbing gurgling sounds as blood flooded down into its mouth and out of its other orifices of the head. It wasn’t dead yet, but it was out of commission.
All the while Gonyaul was still being dragged by his arm through the sand. With his legs now free, he did a backwards roll over the top of the dog. He straddled its back. The dog refused to let go of his arm still and this movement caused even more pain as it helped the teeth dig deeper into his forearm.
Gonyaul used his other arm to pull the dogs head back as hard as he could; to an obscenely uncomfortable looking angle. The dog couldn’t get free from under him.
Gonyaul then released the chin and quickly struck the dog in the throat. It immediately let go as its larynx was crushed. Gonyaul then in quick succession drove his elbow straight down into the top of the dog’s head. There was a cracking sound from the skull of the animal and it went instantly limp as it was rendered unconscious.
Gonyaul rolled off the beast and quickly nursed his right forearm close to his chest. It was at this moment he actually noticed Voah was there and he was flooded with relief.