Showing posts 1351 - 1365 of 2814

Not all that glitters...

Aug 19, 2022, 9:03am by Winteroak

Islana - You can almost feel the coolness and the shade of the water and the palm trees as you make your way across the burning desert sands towards the glistening pool. The promis ...

Liquid Gold

Aug 18, 2022, 10:21pm by Cindy

As Islana moved forward her body was protesting the abuse it was under more and more. The burn had progressed to some of the areas covered by less amounts of cloth, the blisters were painfu ...

Sandstorm Aftermath

Aug 18, 2022, 5:53pm by Omni

The sand was pervasive, nary a wrinkle of cloth or fold of skin went left untouched by the course grains. Voah's throat was dry as a bone and she could barely speak and her stomach was givin ...

Ignis Sucuris

Aug 18, 2022, 4:28pm by Winteroak

Still Valley To the south of the dread swamp lands, near Snake Tongue River, the Broods that inhabit the mangroves have a legend about a strange and eerie creature that commands mo ...

Into Desdem

Aug 18, 2022, 5:51am by Winteroak

Odsier Winter Pastures Alexis and Tarmen - After your impromptu burial of fateful Tar, you gather your horses and set off once again, not wanting to spend any more time in ...


Aug 18, 2022, 5:30am by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Islana - The sun relentlessly beats down on you. You feel your skin blister and in parts of your body actually dried up and peel away in white layers ...

No Breaking

Aug 17, 2022, 9:34pm by Cindy

Days in the blistering heat, the consistent sand hit her from the breezes that would randomly pop up, the blazing sun beat down relentlessly. Her sunburn had gotten progressively worse and ...

Leaving The Past Behind

Aug 17, 2022, 9:21pm by Cindy

Islana's sand covered, beaten by the elements body, arose from her state of flattened to the ground, slowly to kneeling, then to standing. There was no sense of time, she could have been la ...

Ashes to Ashes

Aug 17, 2022, 8:08pm by Bandorchu

Words…? Alexis didn’t know if she had any. They had not been friends, a community of destiny at best, if one wanted to call it that. And still he took the blow for her, when he could ...

Matters of Faith

Aug 17, 2022, 5:12pm by Winteroak

JP with Esimed and Winteroak Ostiarium - Misty Ward “I wish to pick your mind over three topics,” Melandra said, holding up four spindly fingers.  “Have you any care wit ...


Aug 17, 2022, 5:05pm by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Shalia - You and your guards watch as the Ozainae appear to be mourning. If what the priests say is true and they can sense their leader is indeed dea ...


Aug 17, 2022, 4:55pm by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Islana - You have lost track of time. You cannot tell how long you were prostrated on the ground as the storm raged all around you. You can't even t ...

Desert wrath

Aug 17, 2022, 4:50pm by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skull Voah and Gonyaul - You are not really sure how you survived the sandstorm. It raged for so long that you almost lost track of time. You emerge from yo ...

Lost in the Sand

Aug 17, 2022, 4:36pm by White_Caribou

At first, the sands, the wind, and the yelling had shocked her out of a sleepy state. Shalia sprung into action as the desert dust blew through the area relentlessly and whipped the tent fla ...

Old Scars

Aug 17, 2022, 11:59am by Omni

22 Years Ago - Somewhere in the Mizaran Plains Little Voah cowered in the arms of her mother. Her ears popped from the air pressure and the her very breath seemed to be suck ...

Showing posts 1351 - 1365 of 2814