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View character profile for: Islana Annora
It was amazing, finding water when she needed it. According to the Ozainae priests others had done this journey and survived so why couldn't she.
Islana wasted no time and went into the water, it was - refreshing? No, this seemed odd and why did she still feel hot?
The lush green landscape and blue water vanished before her eyes. It had been nothing but an illusion. The young woman had been hallucinating, after all.
There was little time to react to the overwhelming disappointment before feeling her body sink. Sink? It was now clear this wasn't sand - exactly - more like some odd sand mixture.
Feeling another shift, panic set in, all Islana could think was the need to get out of whatever this was. In the panic, Kaithak flying overhead calling out, didn't register with Islana.
Not until Kaithak circled down, closer to the young witch and called again. The redhead suddenly stopped moving to look up, the movement stopped, so did the sinking.
Kaithak flew high once again. The falcon had always been good at warning her of danger. Islana could only guess that's what had happened in this instance, as well.
The problem was, now what? How could she get out if she couldn't move? Move = sinking and likely drowning in whatever this was. Don't move = die of lack of water or starvation, though the first one was more likely, at this point.
Kaithak couldn't help, beyond what he had done. She might be able to call over a coyote? Were there wild camels, the way there were wild horses? That might be useful but not without something to help pull her out. She didn't spot anything.
In an uncharacteristic show of her frustration, desperation, and the panic which still lingered under the surface, Islana found herself uttering, "Fuck!"
Regroup, first thing, she was on journey, following a calling - the young woman had no plans in not seeing it through - even if it killed her - which it just might.
So, what do people do in desperate situations? Pray? It couldn't hurt, she supposed. The problem was she didn't exactly know how to pray to the twin gods,and the Pillars were no longer a part of her life.
"I'm probably not going to do this correctly but Viher and Yther, I want to continue on the journey if you will allow me not to die here."
That was the best Islana could do and she really didn't expect an answer.
Concentrating on the larger animals in the area, her eyes flashed their green lighting. Help me.
It was nothing more than hope that it would work.