Layers of Truth
Jun 13, 2022, 9:59pm
JP with Cindy and White_Caribou
The group had traveled not long before Shalia grew a little agitated at the silence. Having that taste of conversation now starved her for it, but would le ...
Left Behind
Jun 13, 2022, 6:16pm
JP with Winteroak, Jaxx, Cindy, and White_Caribou
Shalia finished packing supplies into the bag tied around her black horse's rear, a few secure knots under the belly having to make up fo ...
Jun 13, 2022, 6:10pm
JP with Omni, Bandorchu and Winteroak
Another horse was bucking, its legs caught up in a rope and tarp that Voah and Gonyaul set up over a shallow pit. Its rider, wielding an axe, was bei ...
No Means No
Jun 13, 2022, 5:46pm
JP with Cindy (Odenine Archer) and Gonyaul:
Gonyaul kept backing away at a slower pace then the Odenine archer was approaching. He acted with a submissive and cowardly posture to further ...
A slave's life
Jun 13, 2022, 4:17pm
Kumik Village
Life in the mountains starts early. Even before the sun rises woman are already up, tending to the fires and household chores, getting food ready for their husbands a ...
Dust & Water
Jun 13, 2022, 3:59pm
Among the myriad of Septs that make up the peoples of the Desert of Skulls, known to their neighbours as the Ozainae, the mighty Sand Horde, the God of Dust and the Goddess of Water, are ...
Bloody Spears
Jun 13, 2022, 3:39pm
Voah dropped the bow at the side of a structure nearby and was soon face to face with one of the mounted raiders armed with a spear as he rounded the corner. The two swung at once, Voah knoc ...
Turning Heads
Jun 13, 2022, 1:34pm
Gonyaul yelled in Vauxian as he neared Nicolaus’s wagon. He knew it was empty, he was just signaling Wim and Nicolaus, who were actually stationed just inside the mine entrance, that a fri ...
Like/Unlike The Past
Jun 13, 2022, 12:08pm
JP with White_Caribou and Cindy
Islana half picked, half ate at her food. Knowing she needed to eat but her emotions caused not much of an appetite.
Memories of Lord Vasant taking he ...
Heat of battle
Jun 13, 2022, 12:08pm
JP with Lorem, Lucian, Omni, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Alexis‘ knuckles turned white around the hilt of her sword as she caught glimpses of the carnage the Odonine miners suffered at the ...
Battle For Aquilo
Jun 13, 2022, 8:05am
JP with Bandorchu and Winteroak
The first arrows and darts started falling around the encampment shortly after. Mainly around the gathered miners and their tents that gathered what ...
Preparations and Prayers
Jun 13, 2022, 7:59am
JP with Bandorchu, Lorem, and Omni
Alexis grimly focused on aiding with the fortifications around the forges, aiding with sharpening tent poles and ramming them into the ground. ...
A Successful Trade
Jun 13, 2022, 1:51am
JP with Cindy, Winteroak, and White_Caribou
Trades were always easier when she had Koshnem to consult, though she only had a small handful under her belt in the past. Shalia would note th ...