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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Left Behind
JP with Winteroak, Jaxx, Cindy, and White_Caribou
Shalia finished packing supplies into the bag tied around her black horse's rear, a few secure knots under the belly having to make up for the lack of saddle to attach to. At least it had reins of which she was given a higher quality with metal loops and buckles.
In her hand she held a long item of fabric and rounded behind Islana's back. She bit the shawl in her mouth to free her hands before weaving them into the woman's red locks. Her long hair was tangled. As Shalia tightly braided it the same way she had her own hair this morning, she ran her fingers through to smooth some of the troubled sections out instinctively. It was strange to be handling hair that was not hers, curly, dark, and sometimes difficult. But it was oddly enjoyable. Removing the shawl from her teeth, Shalia finally draped it over Islana's head and shoulders but not before lightly tugging on the braid, leaning forward to speak to the woman.
"Remember obedience. You cannot be a target. Keep it on at all times." The color of her hair must have given her frequent unwanted attention Arcadia. This was evident now.
Climbing onto the horse was always a bit of a challenge without stirrups. She reminisced on how easy horse riding back in Helias was with the proper equipment.
Shalia held a cold hand out to assist her new pet.
Hunter remained calm and unfazed as little boys were pelting him with rocks. To avoid his manhood from taking damage from the cold weather, he tucked it between his legs. It was a good idea since he was woken up by the rocks some little brats were throwing at him. These little brats were feeling brave and powerful but it would quickly change if they knew they were taunting a caged tiger. The numbness on his body reduced the pain from the rocks so Hunter could see which kids he was going to kill the moment he got the chance. Freil he planned on killing them all except for the woman who tended to him and Islana. Men, women and children were all the same at this point. Granted he was still hallucinating, but he was also aware of his surroundings at the same time. He began to chuckle as he was imagining a bloodbath in this village. He looked at Islana's direction since he planned to follow them after he was freed and slaughtered the village.
Islana can't say she got much sleep last night. Her mind kept going back to Hunter and how much she had screwed up everything. Over and over the "what if" scenarios played in her mind even though there was nothing to be done about it now.
If it had just been Islana or if Hunter was in better shape, maybe then they could have tried to escape but the young woman knew as things stood, right now, her trying to get free would result in a worse fate for both of them.
As Shalia tended to Islana's hair, Islana spoke not a word. Except to give a nod with a quiet "yes" acknowledging she would remember to be obedient and keep the shawl on. It was easy enough to understand why that had to be.
As Islana was about to get on the horse, she caught sight of Hunter and wanted to rush over to the man but the sight of Shalia's hand made it apparent that wasn't possible. There would be no last words to him or any of her friends. The fact that she would likely never see Alexis, Gonyaul or Boyce again was just about killing her.
Taking a deep breath she took the woman's hand, once again feeling the cold emanating from it. It was clear from the way Islana needed no instructions and only some help getting on the horse she knew how to ride but was more used to a saddle.
Looking up for a moment Kaithak was already flying overhead in a large circular pattern. He was all that she had left.
"Get comfortable," Shalia called to the woman sitting behind her. "We have a journey ahead of us."
She took hold of the reins and with a deep inhale of chilly morning air, thumped the side of her foot against the horse to begin moving with her men following behind. A slight change of situation, but finally the mission would continue with no current delay. The group of Aghul made their way from the Kumik village and onto the mountain paths again.