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View character profile for: Wim Riese

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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Markus Norixius
No Means No
JP with Cindy (Odenine Archer) and Gonyaul:
Gonyaul kept backing away at a slower pace then the Odenine archer was approaching. He acted with a submissive and cowardly posture to further give the man a sense of false confidence. He already knew this culture didn’t value women as he was taught, and he was going to use this to his advantage.
His satchel full of rocks was unfortunately on Amu’s saddle. Amu was twenty yards away. Him getting dismounted was not a part of the original plan.
The Odonine archer got a look on his face like Gonyaul would make a tasty prize and yelled a few things in his language.
The more Gonyaul backed away the faster the man approached. It was apparent he didn't see the Vauxian as any kind of a threat, just a spoil of war.
Seeing the man surge forward at a more aggressive pace, Gonyaul stopped moving backwards. When the man was within grabbing distance, he crumbled lower and down to the ground, as if tripping over his own feet, showing fear in his expression.
Thinking that he had the "woman" now the archer moved towards Gonyaul, getting on top of him. He began to reach down to grab the arm of the Vauxian.
Gonyaul allowed the man to grab his arm. He resisted, but only enough to make it appear like he was trying to get away but much too weak in comparison. He wanted this man turned on by the fact he was bigger and stronger. He was trying to throw every subtle hint he could think of that might turn up the desirability of the archer’s predatorily lust. If the Odenine was thinking less with his critical thinking center, then what was about to come next would be easier to pull off.
The archer pulled Gonyaul up, and said something again in his language. He looked as if he was drinken in every piece of the other man. There was a lust in the Odonine's eyes that needed no translation.
The sounds of the battle could be heard in the background but the archer had other plans for the moment. The man began to pull Gonyaul with him to slightly less obvious area.
Gonyaul took his left arm, which wasn’t being gripped, and brought it around for a extremely noticeable wind up and weak strike against the man’s chest to show resistance to his intentions. The Odenine easily caught his left wrist, Gonyaul’s dominant arm, and chuckled. That was exactly what Gonyaul wanted, the pitiful strike was a distraction.
Simultaneously, as his wrist was caught, Gonyaul torqued his hips inward and to the left, starting the momentum for a circling motion with his upper body. The man’s initial grip on his right upper arm was loosened slightly and enough space was created between their torsos that allowed Gonyaul’s edge of the right hand to strike upwards hard and fast like a snake strike to his throat.
Like a well choreographed set of moves, Gonyaul’s left hand created a swift circle motion around the grip on his wrist so he pried his left arm free and on top of the man’s right wrist.
As the man stumbled and choked, Gonyaul held fast. He spun tight to the odenjne’s right and forcefully kicked the side of the knee; snapping the man’s leg inward at unnatural angle with a popping sound.
As the gagging man crumbled, Gonyaul pulled his arm back and around forcefully, dislocating the archers right shoulder. Gonyaul went willingly to the ground with the man, making it look like they were about to do the horizontal tango.
In the man’s daze, Gonyaul grabbed at his weaponry and threw them quickly away, out of reach.
The archer fell to the ground in a mix of shock and agony. He tried reaching for his weapon but due to his injuries and Gonyaul throwing the weapon out of reach that was an impossible task.
He still didn't realize Gonyaul was a man but at this point it didn't matter, he was done for.
Gonyaul was straddling the man now and lowered down for what looked like a passionate embrace. He rolled the man with him sideways once, then twice, to disorient the man spatially and with the pain of his new injuries.
Gonyaul released and tackled him from behind in a spooning position. He then applied a strong a forceful choke hold around the odenines neck while rolling onto his back. Gonyaul, now on the bottom, wrapped his legs around the man’s upper thighs for added leverage and sustained the hold to put him to sleep.
All the Odonine felt was pain, more pain and then his mind went dark.
Gonyaul waited a bit longer until it was a guarantee that the man was passed out. He then carefully rolled him off and crouched next to him. Yep, just sleeping.
Gonyaul quickly looked to the other archers. They were too busy to notice. He retrieved the man’s weapons and started moving quickly after Amu.