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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
A Successful Trade
JP with Cindy, Winteroak, and White_Caribou
Trades were always easier when she had Koshnem to consult, though she only had a small handful under her belt in the past. Shalia would note the underestimated error to improve upon later. Maybe this was a warm-up for the Horde meeting. Acting professional on her own. She could practically taste the poison his words spit out and she bit her burning tongue.
No, she needed the girl, but untouched goods would be difficult to come by.
“Four. All untouched. Your village is small and the selection will be picked over by the return.”
Worst case scenario she was stuck with finding five, but would not leave empty handed. If Koshnem played it smart, he would reserve some young plains women and their bodies for lucrative trading purposes down the line. And he was no fool of a man.
She looked back to Islana and reached out to gingerly touch her hair, twisting a lock of it around her index finger. "I'll take you away from here," she whispered.
There seemed to be some sort of negotiation going on. It was difficult to tell what it was without knowing the language.
Islana could almost feel the cold through her hair as the dark haired woman played with it. She was going to take Islana away from here. The words played in the young woman's ears not sure what kind of fate that was but she doubted her freedom was involved.
Islana tried to stay within the protocol she knew but couldn't help but turn and look at Hunter. What would be his fate if she was taken by this woman?
The elders looked at one another and agreed to the bargain.
"Done, Voice of Winter. The girl with the fire hair is yours. We hope you speak well of our hospitality to your master." They agreed but not before throwing out one last poorly veiled insult to remind her of her place.
Women moved around the assembled guests to pour drinks and serve food while the elders and their guests spoke. Many could not believe that a woman and a foreign at that could sit and conduct business with men. They couldn't help but look at Shalia Nix with a mixture of envy and awe.
Ouch. That one cut.
But the elder's words weren't without truth. Many would only view Shalia as a subservient, brainwashed slave. Some would never willingly show her respect, and usually they suffered for it.
Shalia always thought of the War Chieftain as someone she could confide in. Never a master. The only time she saw him as such was when she considered herself a captive years ago. She understood where they drew that from, but my my did she hate the thought.
She dropped Islana's hair and shooed the guards away. Hesitantly, she helped the girl to her feet careful not to disturb her arm.
"You belong to me now, but it is better than being with them, I assure you." She nodded her head toward some of the tents.
Wow. It was strange speaking to someone like this, and touching them, too. She guided Islana and motioned for the woman to sit beside her.
"Are you hungry, little lamb?" Shalia asked, summoning over a woman to pour a cup of the milk for Islana and another to bring a small portion of goat meat for the witch's gift.
What do you do with someone you own? Was she now a pet to walk and feed? At least she could talk...right?
Islana stood with no resistance, she understood this woman now owned her even before being told. It was too familiar a feeling but at the same time it felt different than being with her last owner, very different.
The redhead sat down as gestured to do so, when ask if she was hungry, Islana realized she was but her stomach turned at the same time. "Yes, thank you" practically in a whisper and not knowing what the other woman wanted to be called. Islana just hoped she didn't do anything wrong to upset the other woman.
Still her eyes kept going to Hunter. Islana was concerned for him but didn't feel like asking at this time would be wise.
Islana then looked up and realized Kaithak wasn't to be seen. It was getting darker, maybe the falcon had found a place to rest for a while. Hopefully, it hadn't left her.
That thought only lasted a moment as she caught sight of the falcon in a nearby tree. Kaithak clearly had no intention of leaving her.
Shalia tried to relax her shoulders. Good. She could talk or was willing to at the moment. Understandably hushed, but still made this easier.
Silence hung between them that was strained and unsure as the fire crackled. How do you make small talk again? It had been so long since Shalia spoke normally with another, though this wasn't normal by any means. The poor girl looked exhausted and terrified and full of defeat. Shalia followed her gaze over to the sickly man she had been sold with.
What a shame to be parting them come morning. She could see the pitiful worry in Islana's eyes.
The witch took another bite of the goat, swallowing hard finally once she figured that introductions were a decent place to start.
She lowered her voice to match the woman better and try to seem slightly less intimidating, but this was her after all. Nowadays all she knew was being stoic and assertive, and she had just kept this stranger from being brutally enslaved only to enslave her herself.
"I am Shalia. Do you have a name?" It sounded silly coming out and not because of her bizarre accent. Of course she had one.