Showing posts 1171 - 1185 of 2814

Lost and Found

Sep 17, 2022, 8:43pm by Lorem

Gonyaul paid particular attention to how different the world looked when viewed threw tear-filled eyes. Objects in the environment, usually with crisp detailed edges demarcating one thing fr ...

Silent Land

Sep 17, 2022, 8:00pm by Cindy

The darkness, even before coming to it's peak, would rival that of the deep forest when the night sky was cloaked by clouds. The darkness didn't bothered Islana nearly as much as the silence ...

Taking measures

Sep 17, 2022, 7:26pm by Bandorchu

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu Tarmen kept his focus on the game for a bit, both to look for his next move and keep himself from too hasty of a reaction at the inquiry. He loo ...


Sep 17, 2022, 6:49pm by Omni

She wished she could say that she had been left with a sense of profound elation, relief, enlightenment, and purpose upon finally meeting her first Pillar; instead Vastad’s cold and callou ...


Sep 17, 2022, 5:55pm by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Vastad shook his mighty head. When the time came He wouldn't ask. He would take. The difference between War and Justice was a razor and He walked that line o ...


Sep 17, 2022, 5:03pm by Omni

Voah assumed Vastad had conjured the whirlwind as a demonstration of the magikal foe she had encountered on Sentinel Island, but she was realizing now that it was as if the desert itself was ...

Sadness Walking

Sep 17, 2022, 4:44pm by Lorem

Time is an interesting thing. It is the most important resource that any living creature, bound by nature, finds itself in the possession of. How it is spent may be variable, but to those su ...

Desert Ruins

Sep 17, 2022, 3:43pm by Winteroak

Pilgrimage of Bones Islana and Madaya made the perilous trip down the cliff, along the narrow eroded path, pressing themselves as close to the stone as they could. In some ...

Child of the Void

Sep 17, 2022, 3:19pm by Winteroak

Desert of Skulls As Voah stood waiting for an answer, the wind continued to blow, throwing dust and sand up, swirling around the two figures as if in defiance to the presence of t ...

New Discoveries

Sep 17, 2022, 1:52pm by Cindy

Madaya turned out to be an excellent teacher. Islana absorbed all the lessons, as she tended to do. It also helped that the redhead knew to not dismiss a child, just because of their youth ...

Our Choices

Sep 17, 2022, 12:34pm by Omni

Yes. Obviously, she would have much rather heard that her recent choices and actions were wise and thoughtful and that she was doing well in paving the way to reclaim a lost age of the true ...

Bloody Mess

Sep 17, 2022, 9:44am by Winteroak

Ostiarium Sir Zane surveyed the scene in front of him. Dozens of poisoned people layed dead in pools of vomit, blood and waste. Dozens more were still skin and the groans of the o ...


Sep 17, 2022, 7:21am by Largehobbit

Oshar arranged the flowers atop a small table in the centre of his attic room. Such beauty was so rare in the desert that he could not resist taking them from the bridal table once his task ...


Sep 17, 2022, 7:02am by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls The game seems simple enough to Tarmen, with the objective being to capture each others pieces. No more than 12 markers can be on the board at any giv ...


Sep 17, 2022, 6:46am by Winteroak

Pilgrimage of Bones As Islana continues her trek with her new companion, the young girl delights herself in teaching the older woman a few secrets from her homeland. How to ...

Showing posts 1171 - 1185 of 2814