Fighting Demons (Part Two)
Oct 27, 2022, 10:03pm
It seemed logical both men were likely better than Islana with a sword. The bounty hunter was a given, but the huntress had no idea what the other man had done before running from Ostiarium ...
Small talk
Oct 27, 2022, 8:42pm
Walking the nightly streets of Gra’akast, Alexis had just been soaking the lively atmosphere.
After all the lonely brooding over ancient secrets and lost history, just being among people ...
Oct 27, 2022, 7:03pm
Shalia was taken off guard by the suggestive comment, so much so that if she hadn't been as determined to understand the Brotherhood better that she may have missed it. She swallowed down a ...
Blossoming Exchange
Oct 27, 2022, 5:39pm
JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou
He smiled at her, looking into her vibrant emerald eyes and the black curly locks that framed her features.
She exuded untapped potential, a ...
One each
Oct 27, 2022, 4:51pm
Ozainae War camp
Malacost returned to Voah not much longer after she exited the tent. He looked at her expectantly wanting to ask what she had found but the heavy sound of ...
Oct 27, 2022, 4:43pm
Alexis let herself be guided be the smells of exotic foods, the sound of merriment and the colourful sights that filled the torch lit streets.
Here an old woman ...
Fighting Demons (Part One)
Oct 27, 2022, 3:33pm
The multi-colored clothes, plume reaching upward and rings which seemed to illuminate every finger in the glow of the fire, Islana recognized this woman.
Though the two had never spoken, ...
Oct 27, 2022, 3:12pm
JP with Winteroak and Omni
After the two dark robes finished offloading their “goods” into the tent, a third one came to meet them, but stayed behind to guard the area. There w ...
The Challengers
Oct 27, 2022, 1:35pm
Melandra Avalloc sat by the fire as the sound of thunder echoed across the sky and land. The clouds turned dark. She lifted her head up and saw the three approaching her ...
What's in the Barrel?
Oct 27, 2022, 12:09pm
JP with Winteroak and Omni
Malacost felt a thrill run down his spine and his blood stirred, as the two stalked through the war camp of the heathen. He licked his lips under his sca ...
Taste of Wine and Destruction
Oct 27, 2022, 4:01am
JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou
Shalia gladly accepted the glass with a chuckle. "Seems we have the same idea, then," she mused before taking a long drink, seating herself at a ...
Oct 27, 2022, 3:15am
When Gonyaul finally did make it back to the abandoned building where they had set up a makeshift home, he was exhausted. In retrospect, he had lost sleep one night searching for Voah. Once ...
Oct 26, 2022, 8:12pm
Malacost watched the young strange man leave, keeping a close eye on Voah. What were does hand gestures they exchanged? And why was an Arbiter of the Inquisition apparently so concern by the ...