Showing posts 826 - 840 of 2814

Unexpected Company

Oct 26, 2022, 5:06pm by White_Caribou

JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou An unexpected knock came upon the Ascendant’s door. By the hand of a guard, under the instruction of an esteemed guest. Shalia stood waitin ...

Walls Of Fire

Oct 26, 2022, 4:40pm by Cindy

JP with Largehobbit, Wimteroak, and Cindy Friar's Balvaris crouched before Islana, placing the flask of water to one side and cupping her hands within his own in a fatherly manner. "You m ...

A night out

Oct 26, 2022, 3:28pm by Bandorchu

As Alexis left her burrow, night had thrown its dark curtain over the city. Which suited her fine, it would help to conceal her features. Communication, it would appear, wasn’t going to be ...

All is not lost

Oct 26, 2022, 2:03pm by Winteroak

Nursing his third cup of wine, Tamazzalt sat in his quarters planning is next moves. They had been so close to prevent the return of the Seer and break the First Seal. So close to achieve ...

Loose threads

Oct 26, 2022, 1:40pm by Winteroak

Red Keep Alexis had returned to her camp deep under the abandoned building, in the crypt she had spent most of her time since arriving in the Holy City. Part of her was p ...


Oct 26, 2022, 12:23pm by Omni

Voah was speechless. ~Measure the cost before you act...~ She signed in response. ~I fully intend to do so.~ The new moon of Ereuhin that Voah had considered a blessing, an a ...

Measure the Costs

Oct 26, 2022, 10:49am by Lorem

JP with Winteroak and Lorem: IC: Malacost looked at the young man and resisted an urge to pull his dagger out and just slice his throat. What was all this whining about? What did he think ...

I Got No Strings On Me

Oct 26, 2022, 12:09am by Lorem

As Voah began to explain how to infiltrate the war camp under the cover of darkness, Gonyaul looked out over the gathering of Ozaniae galvanized by a common purpose. He sighed with a huff of ...

Get Ready to Rumble

Oct 25, 2022, 10:55pm by LucianNepreen

Walking the path leading behind the shack bar, Tarmen felt something. A weight rested on him, though it wasn’t uncomfortable, more like a fur cloak that felt warm and protective. If ever ...

Fears of The Mind

Oct 25, 2022, 10:23pm by Cindy

At first, it seemed as if nothing had happened, then her body began falling, as if she had jumped off a cliff. Falling and falling until soft ground could be felt underneath her feet. An ...

A Trial of the Mind

Oct 25, 2022, 6:42pm by Largehobbit

JP with Largehobbit, Winteroak and Cindy Nicholas! It hadn't been lost on Islana that these souls must be dead. While, Toman was a sad fate as any child's death would be, she h ...

War Party

Oct 25, 2022, 6:01pm by Omni

JP with Lorem and Omni So... the Ozainae were preparing for war and the black banners marked the involvement of the dark robes. Voah wondered how reluctant the Septs were to includ ...

Peep Show

Oct 25, 2022, 5:45pm by Largehobbit

Oshar carefully lifted the wooden panel that would allow him to see in to the room of the penitents. The temple was filled with such viewing portals. Voyeurism was an odd pass time for the p ...

The Cave

Oct 25, 2022, 5:10pm by Largehobbit

JP with Largehobbit, Winteroak and Cindy Islana stood with her feet slightly apart, which helped with balancing on the rocking vessel. She managed to stay upright as the ship lurch ...

In The Belly

Oct 25, 2022, 3:24pm by Cindy

JP with Largehobbit, Winteroak and Cindy After what felt like hours in the silence of the oval room, with only the distant echo of prayers and chants far in the distance, a door opened in ...

Showing posts 826 - 840 of 2814