Lost Child
May 19, 2022, 12:50pm
JP with Redsword, Zeeke, Winteroak and Cindy
Islana thought it was impressive that anyone had created a statue as large as the bearded man one. The entire area seemed like someone had t ...
The Descent pt 7
May 19, 2022, 11:38am
Jp with Lorem, Lucian, Omni, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Inwardly, the Arbiter stifled a scream of pain and frustration. Her confrontational nature was probably the reason she had very few f ...
The Descent pt 6
May 19, 2022, 10:07am
Jp with Bandorchu, Omni, Lorem, LucianNepreen, and Winteroak.
With Voah in the capable and loving hands of Gonyaul, Alexis moved over so she could guard the path ahead while they rested. ...
The Large Stone Man
May 19, 2022, 6:25am
JP with Redsword, Zeeke, Winteroak and Cindy
It was early the next morning after breakfast when the exploration of the ruins got started.
While likely there were many items buried, ...
The Descent Part 5
May 18, 2022, 11:24pm
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, winteroak, voah and Tarmen:
It hadn't been this bad since the night she met Gonyaul and the Preacher. The pain nearly took her to her knees but she caught and ste ...
The Descent part 4
May 18, 2022, 5:54pm
Jp with Lucian, Omni, Lorem, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Gonyaul was still standing near the wall just having crossed into the room from the archway. His right hand was following the grooves ...
The Arrival to the Maru Caravanserai
May 18, 2022, 10:06am
Joint Post Redsword and Zeeke
Wolf and the others on the second day started into the mountain range it felt like Wolf had seen this before an ancient civilization. Wolf could see signs of ...
A Step Into Antiquity
May 17, 2022, 6:49pm
Every step felt like a leap back in time, the very essence of this place felt like antiquity itself. Well worn roads, outposts that once offered needs to individuals long since forgotten, a ...
Bar Talk
May 17, 2022, 6:35pm
(JP with Winteroak and Jaxx)
After breakfast, Hunter cleaned up and prepared for his day. He began by doing his morning errands for Voah and made some small talk with whoever he bartered ...
The Descent 3
May 17, 2022, 4:58pm
JP with Voah, Alexis, Tarmen, Winteroak and Gonyaul:
The sounds and reverberations in the air told that the room they just entered was much larger than the previous one. How much ...
The Descent 2
May 17, 2022, 4:57pm
JP with Voah, Alexis, Tarmen, Winteroak and Gonyaul:
Tarmen wasn’t sure if he liked the sound of water. It probably had something to do with the cave in and he didn’t want to b ...
The Descent
May 17, 2022, 1:11pm
JP with Voah, Alexis, Tarmen, Winteroak and Gonyaul:
With Tarmen in the lead you make good time across the void that connects to the mine. The jungle native and ruin diver takes you all o ...
The Maru Caravanserai
May 17, 2022, 12:31pm
By the end of your second day travelling the valleys and winding roads of Fang you see your destination up ahead.
As you set foot upon the mountain range you felt you were ...