Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Heading Out
JP with Redsword, Zeeke, and Cindy
Wolf waking to the sun rising,could still feel the effects of the night before. Wolf had laid his bedding not too far from Islana. It was to keep an eye on her through the night. The talk they had and her story had some effect on Boyce. He could only wonder what if but when someone might come looking for Islana. The only people he really trusted was the friend he had made. He packed up his stuff and made sure the horses were ready to go. Wolf knew where to get the supplies. He would need one more horse for the trip. Islana had said the night before that she would travel with him but a few more would be nice.
When Islana started to move in the morning. Boye walked over "Isana, when you are up, do you want to help with supplies this morning we can leave this afternoon," suggested Boyce.
Islana awoke not long after Boyce, it would be a busy morning getting things ready but she was looking forward to this.
"Of course," The hunteress replied.
Islana knew mostly what needed to be gathered but got any special requests before gathering the supplies that were needed. It took a little time to get everything and pack it onto the horses.
Wim came over with his grey mare loaded with most supplies he had left. Bacon, some eggs, potato’s, a pot, pans, rope and his tent. Heading back to Elizabeth sounded like a good idea till he realized that the patrol was not returning yet. One man, one horse, and those big cats made for a dangerous ride home. The war brewing was not helping either.
With the alcohol gone and most of the loose money in his possession, Wim’s usefulness in town was questionable at best. Better to be scarce till the patrol headed home.
When Wolf talked about the ruins, Wim’s ears perked up. Ruins had potential for wealth, there would be odd and ends little pieces that could be sold back home. Maybe even exotic jewels, gold, or silver. Then with Wim’s luck it would be a place with nothing but snakes to curse a damned soul. Still, it would be better to tempt the fates rather than have his money taken from him by thugs that figured out he had over charged them.
Wim walked over with his horse loaded.
“Good Morning,” Wim said cheerfully.
“I think we should see about borrowing a pick, a shovel and maybe a sledge,” he added, trying to think ahead.
Islana thought for a moment and responded, "I think we have all of those things here."
She motioned for Wim to follow her. It didn't take long to find what he had requested and get that packed as well.
------ A little while later
With the sun high in the sky, horses packed, and the supplies checked and rechecked. It was time to move out.
Islana got on the back of River, sent a silent message to the horses, a pep talk of sorts and then the group of three: Boyce, Wim and Islana headed out.