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Bar Talk
Posted byPosted: May 17, 2022, 6:35pm
(JP with Winteroak and Jaxx)
After breakfast, Hunter cleaned up and prepared for his day. He began by doing his morning errands for Voah and made some small talk with whoever he bartered with. He was not desperate nor pushy but curious about what was going on.
After arriving at the Hole he purchased a drink from the barkeep.
The barkeep serves you a clearly water down ale. Nothing that compares to what Wim was giving away last night, although Hunter wouldn't know that as he drank only water.
Hunter looks around then sips his flavored water. It tastes okay but not something he would drink daily like the others. Then he looked at the barkeep and asked, "Looks like this mining camp is facing hard times huh? What are you plans if all production stops completely?"
The man grabbed a nearby cup and started to wipe mugs. He shrugged. "Go back to Ostiarium, I 'spose."
"What brings ya 'ere, to Aquilo. Ya dunno look like a tunnel rat..." He said looking at your apparel and hands.
Hunter shook his head no as he replied, "Naw.......just a merc doing chores of all things. Not much to do when you have free time at this camp." Hunter sipped the drink again and sighed.
The tavern was empty. Most Ostiarium miners were working and the Odonine clansmen were helping load the last of the weapons from the forges.
"Be a while 'fore the place becomes a proper town. Suits me fine for now. No bloody nobles to deal wiv." He shrugged.
Hunter chuckled at the comment. Then replied, “Yeah the like to stir things up be it boredom or malice. At least merchants are willing to negotiate a bit. Most Nobles on the other hand want something for nothing. Like my last job for a Noble……… arrogant jerk only paid me half for a complete job that he and his men could not do.” Hunter sipped his drink again and sighed.
"Ya sighing alot lad. Wats the matter?" He asked making polite talk as barkeeps tend to do. "Women trouble?" He chuckled.
Hunter sipped his drink again and replied, “Yeah among other things. I really don’t get women. You do your best for them and they betray you or set you up for failure. It’s like working for a female Noble. Then to make it worse there is a rumor that a war is coming so I won’t get paid if I bail.” Hunter sipped his drink again sighed.
"It ain't a rumour, me lad. War is here..." He said with a smile. "Dreadful all the killin' and the like but good for business..." He shrugged again looking at the mug he was wiping and grabbing another. "Ya should be joining the armies if ya want coin and plunder. Ya look like ya can handle yourself in a scrap "
Hunter sipped his drink then sighed again before he said, “I see ……….. so big risk for little pay once again. Bull I am concerned who the enemy is supposed to be? I head the Duke made a deal with some natives, but how do tell who is who?”
The man smiled showing his yellow teeth. "Ya stab the bloke in front of ya." He replied jokingly.
Hunter drank again then replied, “Yeah and at the same time someone else is stabbing me in the back. It’s the blade you don’t see that gets ya.”
"Life ain't fair..." he added.
Hunter nodded at the barkeep. He sipped his drink then asked, “So any suggestions on how to tell everyone apart?”
He shrugged. "How in Hoi's balls would I know that, lad?" he said looking around at the Hole. "And, if ya not taking part why do ya care?" the man was clearly unsure why this was of interest to you.