Characters in this post

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Descent Part 5
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, winteroak, voah and Tarmen:
It hadn't been this bad since the night she met Gonyaul and the Preacher. The pain nearly took her to her knees but she caught and steadied herself against a wall.
“Sit down for a moment.”
Alexis suggested, helping her as good as she could with one arm free.
“Maybe drink some water.”
With no other disturbances from the darkness, Tarmen looked to Voah.
“Perhaps a rest for us all then? Havin’ some food and water wouldn’t hurt.”
Eyes squinting, Voah nodded and slowly slid down the wall to take a seat. She laid the torch down within arm’s length.
Gonyaul had been silently watching and following the lead of the experts this entire time. His attention getting bounced to and fro amongst them. All the while, he also had a side commentary, led by his imagination, that he was enjoying immensely.
He was quick to respond when Voah suddenly reacted poorly to the stone gargoyle and was being assisted by Alexis. He was additionally concerned on a personal level. It was very apparent on his face.
Following Tarmen’s suggestion and Voah’s needs, Gonyaul sprung into action. He placed all the gear he was pack-muling around down on the ground and handed out the waterskins and rationed out the food. Since Alexis was attending Voah, he began organizing an area for them to take a slight reprieve but was ready, should they choose, to further adapt it into a camp if necessary. While situating things he would frequently glance back to Voah.
He then came up to Voah, and looked to Alexis if he could take over, so she could take a moment to care for her own needs.
He whispered, “You alright?” His hand carefully touching her. “I know how to massage hand to help reduce headaches if want?”
“Ugh… sure.” Her tone sounded a bit short but it was certainly not meant in a mean way.
Gonyaul smiled warmly , nodded and came up alongside Voah. He sat back on his heels. Taking her right arm into his lap, he bent the forearm gently at the elbow so it was in a relaxed position and allowing the hand to naturally rest. Using both hands he began kneading and massaging the hand. He worked on the entire hand, but payed particular attention to certain areas.
Studying massage for the body is something his people learned over time. Gonyaul himself had not been officially taught the techniques yet; however, he had experienced being under these types of deep tissue massages before. He was drawing from his memory banks to try to recreate what was done on him to the best of his ability.
He whispered, “that was scariest thing here yet.” He was referring to her experiencing pain and discomfort.
“By Cambena, that IS nice.” she was enjoying the sudden attention and impromptu massage but she was doubtful that it would actually take away the headache.
Tarmen had expected a quick rest, let the Arbiter recover, then take a vote on whether to continue. What he was looking at was not what he had expected.
Sitting against the wall, remaining the closest person to what he had seen, he let the love birds be as he looked into the darkness.
He wouldn’t be happy if the others wanted to continue. He had several memories of meeting ‘ruin geists’ and none were pleasant. He toyed with his necklace, running his fingers over the trophies absently.
“Arbiter. Have you felt anythin’ from the shadows? I have no clue what we are dealin’ with down here and wasn’t sure if you had gotten any kind of read on it.”
“Nnn… I’m sorry Tarmen, sadly I haven’t felt anything but this pain in my head.” she said.
“Did you see something?”
Gonyaul worked up her right arm and up and around her shoulder. He shifted his position to be more behind her, letting her lean into him as much, or as little, as she desire. He began massaging her neck and shoulders. He carefully cradled her head to one side with one hand, while the other worked on the neck muscles. He was hoping to relieve tension that may have built up in those areas.
While he continued his progress, he was also listening to their conversation.
He found no point in sugar coating his thoughts, better they be paranoid and prepared than not.
“Shadows. At best, nothin’ more. At worst, we are trespassers and somethin’ knows it. Still not sure though.”
As pleasant as his hands were, it wasn’t relieving the tension. They were in a dark place and Voah agreed with Tarmen. It was possible that something was watching them in hiding.
She turned to Gonyaul, “Thank you, it’s so sweet of you to try, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to relax in this place.”
She said to Tarmen, I will continue if you wish, but if this doesn’t subside I’m afraid I have no choice but to turn back. I will be useless to you.”
She gave Gonyaul a peck on his cheek and mouthed ‘thank you’.
Gonyaul stopped at her request. He gave it his best shot, but he just didn’t have the experience to unlock tension deep in the tissue and muscles that proper training would have enabled.
Gonyaul smiled at the kiss to the cheek and mouthed back ‘welcome’. He took a seat next to her and partook of a drink of water and a small bit of food to replenish some energy.
He sensed everyone was on edge and a little spooked. To be honest all he could think about is wanting to inspect that gargoyle.
“Maybe I take look at statue eyes?” He offered. He had yet to have a chance to get near it.
The longer they were down here actually the less worried he was becoming. He had a feeling that whatever it was had plenty of opportunities to do something by now, but had not for some reason. It was normalizing the spookiness. That probably wasn’t a good way for him to be thinking, but then again, he wasn’t as experienced with dangers like the rest.
“Be careful not to touch it. There could be magik at work here.” she said to Gonyaul.
Then she turned her focus back in Alexis who was keeping an eye out. “Thank you… for checking on me, Alexis. I guess I never got around to telling you two what happened after Sentinel. I don’t know if it’s some curse or just a lasting illness. But something on that island stuck with me and has been ailing me hence.” she opened up to them.
It made her think back on her father. He passed quite young at 57. She prayed to Panolis that she wouldn’t succumb to some chronic disease as well.
He was absolutely going to touch it; however, since she asked for him not to he wouldn’t. Before he got up though his interest was captured by Voah’s comment about Sentinel Island. The gargoyle would have to be patient.
Gonyaul inquired, “you remember when first start happen on this island?”
“Yes. But it could have been any number of things, I suppose. I was injured on a magikal ship, eaten alive by insects, I’ve heard the blighters can carry diseases.” she sighed. “I sustained lacerations from a spear and cleaned my wounds with unblessed water… but it began on the long trek back to camp.”
His jaw dropped a little and he said a word in vauxian that would have translated to the equivalent of ‘whoa’. “Tis a lot. How still standing?”
“Small miracles.” she said softly, with a somber smile and downcast eyes. Then put her chin up and gestured toward Tarmen and Alexis, a brighter tone in her voice.
“And I have these two to thank for it. I wouldn’t be here if they hadn’t helped me off of that beach… and Nicolaus. His medicine helped assuage the symptoms... I thought it was over.”
Gonyaul gave Voah a gentle nudge. He replied to Voah, but was referring to Tarmen and Alexis. He spoke a little louder so they would hear him clearly.
“We have fortune of the best of friends. Be lost without them.” He proudly stated what he genuinely believed to be true. He smiled at both skilled members of their group, giving Alexis a special acknowledgment in his expression.
It was true. The Arbiter very much respected them both and the skills from their experiences had kept everyone alive. She looked up to them.