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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Islana Annora
JP with Redsword, Winteroak and Cindy
Boyce looked back as the group started to move. Boyce wanted a single file line, at first, to hide the numbers and pick a well traveled trail as well. The sun was high and warm a slight breeze. As they traveled every time Boyce hit a high point he looked around to see if they were being followed or who could be around. Boyce was not paranoid. But a few times he worked hard to recover things in the past just to get them taken away by another group.
Boyce watched the others as well making sure they did not need to stop for water or something like food. Boyce was used to eating on the move and trained to do so. Boyce was not so sure of the others. It had been a few hours now and Boyce motioned for the others to come to his side.
"We can travel until dark as the sun sets. Islana, you want to look for a campsite then. If you see anyone let me know especially if they are following us. We need to stay close to one another for safety. Not that I think something will happen just being cautious." Informed Boyce.
As the group took to the trails north, one of the Odonine, on the behalf of Balt, started whistling loudly from the top of a little hill. They had been told that the mountain inhabitants use a whistled language to communicate across the deep ravines and narrow valleys that radiate through Fang. It enables messages to be exchanged over a distance of up to 5 miles. A excellent tool in overcoming distance and terrain. They are simply informing the nearby clans travelers are coming that should be given safe passage.
Islana's own eyes had been keeping a look out not just because of potential dangers and to keep track of the area, but also because the young woman wanted to taken in the surroundings. There was a kind of beauty to it.
Boyce had just finished speaking, when the sound of whistling could be heard. She could see a person standing on top of a small hill, as the group continued on its way.