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View character profile for: Tanner 'Tank' Wallace

View character profile for: Marabella Simone Smith
Last Chance Squad
Tanner has a select number of soldiers under his command that just really fucking annoy him, they are lazy, incompetent, imbeciles, or whatever else. As far he was concerned they were cannon fodder. Marabella convinced him to give those fucknuts to her, she was going to whip them in shape or they were going to die trying. They were the Last Chance Squad, named from her opening speech to them.
The only member of the Last Chance Squad allowed to use Power Armor was Marabella. Marabella was watching them train from her Power Armor. They were pissing her off. She had a feeling they were trying to weaponize incompetence, but she wasn't sure they were smart enough to do that. "Stop! Get your over here." The squad ran over, Peters tripped over his own feet. She sighed very heavily. "PETERS. DO. NOT. GET. UP." She walked over to Peters and she picked him up by his shirt and dragged him to the others. She dropped him face-first into a pile of shit.
"I've been training you for three months and you have shown next to no improvement. Clearly, you lack the proper motivation. Follow me." She started marching. She pulled up her Pip-boy's map. She recalled the latest intel on Raider movements and suspected basis. She led them to Ameer's Rangers a raider gang that was not very good at raiding. She led them to the entrance of the cave the Ameer's Rangers called home. "Go in there and prove your worth by staying alive and killing any raider you see. Anyone who leaves the cave I will kill. Anyone who refuses to enter the cave I will kill for being a yellow-bellied coward. Only return as a group, if you have to drag the corpses of your comrades back then you will drag them back. Now move it."
She watched them enter the cave. She took up a firing position balancing her recon rifle on a rock that overlooked the cave entrance. Two hours went by and no one had attempted to leave yet. The cave wasn't known to be extremely large or complex. She stomped into the cave turning on her tactical red headlamp. She navigated the cave. It was pretty straightforward as caves go. There was one side path she checked. She counted the dead as she went. She comes to the end of the cave there she found the survivors of the Last Chance Squad staring at something old. She didn't care what it was. She didn't care what benefit or harm it could bring. She just knew every fiber of her being was saying destroy it. The Ameer's had gathered quite the arsenal of mininukes and Fatmans. She pilled all the mininukes beside the ancient thing save for one. She grabbed a fatman and loaded it up. She then got as far away as she could from the mininuke pile and launched her mininuke at the pile. The explosion destroyed whatever the ancient device was. Which caused that particular section of the cavern to cave in. She tossed the fatman to one of the others to carry back. She then led the squad out.