Sevety Six Days Later: Bar Brawl Training

After extensively training the Last Chance Squad Marabella was finally beginning to see actual soldiers worthy of carrying a gun. She still didn't see any of them worthy of being her second. She could work with anyone, but friends she was extremely picky about. So far in this band of brothers, she met only one person she could call a friend. She requested her transfer to the Last Chance Squad. Ten days ago Paloma was reassigned to the Last Chance Squad as Marabella's second.

If the Last Chance Squad the previous sixty-six days were hard, they would be sorely disappointed. With Paloma there to help Marabella was pushing them ten times harder.

After ten days of the most extreme and punishing training, they were celebrating. They were finally deemed worthy of being soldiers in Marabella's eyes. She took them to a bar that was known to have massive brawls breaking out daily. This was also training. They had to learn to fight while drunk as they might be called to fight at any moment. Marabella & Paloma did consume some liquor but not enough to get drunk. When their people were sloshed, they started a brawl, they stood back, and let their subordinates deal with it while they judged their performance.

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