Seventy Six Days Later: Betrayal and Behandings

After striking a deal with her old raiding gang Alessandra and Jazz began working with them, training them to be better shots, leading them on missions not to raid but as mercenaries. There was one raider, Louis, who was not on board with the new way. He enjoyed the old way of doing things. Louis began sabotaging, backstabbing, and doing anything possible to ruin everything. It all came to a head six days ago. That morning Todd was seriously hurt thanks to Louis' antics. Todd challenged Louis to a duel to the death for the future of the gang, each participant was allowed to name one person as their champion to fight in their name. Todd chose Alessandra as his champion. Louis being the misogynistic asshole he was thought he could easily beat a little girl, his favorite 'pet name' for any female.

The duel happened the next morning, no armor, no weapons, just your body and basic clothes. Alessandra spent the first several minutes only defending herself for two reasons, primarily to study him, and to wear him out. When Alessandra began going on the attack she used her agility and speed to beat him instead of relying on brute strength like Louis.

Jazz didn't trust Louis, Todd, or any of the other raiders. She set up providing overwatch. She was severely tempted several times to start just shooting them all and let God or whatever sort it out but she stayed her itchy trigger finger. Then she saw something shiny flying through the air. Just as she realized what it was Louis caught and started trying to slash, stab, and cut Alessandra. Todd declared the duel over and Louis and all that follow him were to be killed. All hell break loose, everyone started fighting.

Jazz lined up her shot perfectly and when she took she took his hand. Alessandra grabbed the machete and finished off Louis. Jazz had no clue who to shoot at this point, she knew not to shoot Todd and Alessandra, the rest were all targets in her opinion. Alessandra knew Jazz wouldn't know who to shoot, so a signal they developed over their working relationship was put to use, anyone who attacked Alessandra was fair game, anyone who Alessandra attacked was fair game, and anyone pointed at with her non-dominant arm was fair game.

By the time the Raider Civil War was over anyone loyal to Louis still alive was given a choice by Todd, death or leave for good and they lose a hand just like Louis. They all chose to leave for good. What they didn't know is they left with nothing not even the clothes on their back.

Once the traitors were gone the wounded and dead were being dealt with. Todd appointed Alessandra as leader until he was fit to lead once again and anyone who had a problem with that could face her in a dual.

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