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View character profile for: Syd Nelson
Tender Loving Care
They had became separated in a rad storm. It was a storm so strong that he didn't know where they were when it happened. He hadn't seen anything like it, it was powerful and catastrophic. He had lost track of how long they had been apart, Syd was alone again. No Addey, now no Victoria, just him. He was still confused about who he was, in all this time he hadn't found anything to reveal more to himself about his identity. He spotted a community up ahead, the sign was clean, as if it was maintained everyday. It read: Columbia Assembly. Two armed gunmen stood either side of the gateway to the settlement, there armour was as neat as the sign. Syd walked up to them. "Hello, am I allowed in?" Syd asked.
One of the guards looked him up and down. He handed his weapon to the other guard, then started to pat down Syd, stripping him of any weapons. "Anyone who doesn't bring this sort of shit in. Only caravan guards are allowed to carry weapons in the Columbia Assembly. You're free to pick them up on your way out," the guard explained.
"What's so special about this Columbia Assembly?"
"It's a trading hub, connecting the Willamette with Washington. You've never heard of it?" the other guard asked. He gave a look to the other guard, to ask him was this guy playing dumb, was he up to something? "If you need reliable goods then this is the place for you."
"How's the tech in there?"
"How about you see for yourself. What's with you strangers, always asking so many damn questions," the guard shook his head. "You just going to stand there all day?"
"Sorry," Syd said, he went through the gateway into the Columbia Assembly. It was a thriving trade hub, everything was as equally well kept as the outside, it was the opposite of a place like Renne. Money was king in this community, he'd never seen anything like it.