Deleted character
This is an old character & has been deleted.

Summary: Ad Victoriam!
Marabella Simone Smith
Owned by:
Vasara Glyndark

Gender: Female
Age: 32
Group: PCs
Game: Fallout: Willamette
Character Information
Marabella Simone Smith was born into the Brotherhood of Steel. She lost her mother when she was three and her father when she was nine. She was adopted by Elder Maximilien De Verley.She proved to be a keen observer. She made extremely accurate observations of threats to the Brotherhood. During a training mission when she was thirteen, Marabella’s squad came under attack by a Deathclaw. She was the sole survivor and would carry the scars of that battle forever both on her face and psyche. At sixteen she underwent a dangerous solitary mission to kill a super mutant leader that was attempting to unite several super mutant clans. Maximilien named her a Sentinel. Taking a Paladin, she trusted completely she began engaging in missions to take out threats to the Brotherhood before they became a threat.
When she was nineteen the Elder allowed an outsider in without taking the Oath of Fraternity, contrary to the codex. The outsider claimed to be a Vault Dweller, he even had a Vaultsuit and Pip-boy. The Dweller betrayed them and executed the Elder. While the Dweller was relishing his victory, Marabella shot him several times in the back. Marabella looted the Dweller’s corpse and threw it out for any animal to eat. Mathis, Maximilien De Verley’s son was on a mission at the time of his father’s death. Mathis took over the Brotherhood. An analysis of the Dweller’s possessions revealed the Dweller was not a Dweller, but an assassin sent by the Enclave. Mathis declared war on the Enclave. When the Dweller didn’t check in as expected the Enclave responded by launching enough missiles at the Brotherhood base to wipe it out. Marabella and a reconnaissance squad of Paladins were on their way to scout Enclave territory when the night sky was lit up by the explosions. They turned around to help any survivors and salvage what was left of their home. The only person they found alive was Mathis, but he was dying. Mathis named Marabella his successor. Marabella and the rest of her squad buried everyone they could find. Marabella put on the Elder’s battlecoat. She led her men on a campaign to gain allies & recruit members for the Brotherhood, when she believed they were strong enough she gathered her forces at a network of caves near the Enclave’s base. Before she could launch the attack their store of munitions was blown up by her most trusted Brother. Most of her forces were either killed by the explosion or the collapse of the cave wall. Others were trapped by debris and would take them several days to find their way out without a map. Marabella and the traitor were near the cave’s entrance when he betrayed them. He incapacitated her and took her to the Enclave.
At first, she fought them tooth and nail, but over time she became less combative until she was cooperative. She eventually was let out of prison. She was made a low-level grunt in their army. During the day she did what she was told like a good little soldier. At night she snuck around the base looking for ways to hurt them but never doing anything. She eventually started planting explosives around the base she could remotely detonate from her Pipboy. She had been there at least four years. She proved her worth to them time after time. She was pulled in for a special mission briefing with the Enclave leaders. At the meeting, she was given a new gun they wanted to be tested in the field. They trusted her enough to hand her the gun and ammo separately, assuming they could take her out if she tried something. She detonated the explosives, then quickly loaded the gun, and shot the leaders of the Enclave.
During the confusion and the mayhem, she started, she found the Brother who betrayed her. He hugged her; she returned the hug with a knife to the gut. She raided the armory and retrieved her Brotherhood equipment. She then found a Vertibird and flew it out of there. She then detonated the second series of explosions that detonated their store of missiles destroying the base.
Eventually, the Vertibird was beginning to run out of fuel. She made a landing and salvaged what she could. She then ignited the remaining fuel destroying the Vertibird. She slept in an abandoned building, the next morning she ate some jerky then she left following the direction of the breeze. She had no particular destination in mind by following the breeze she would not have to worry about the wind in her face. She eventually discovered a trade caravan in trouble from raiders. She helped the traders out and they hired her, she got them where they needed to go, resupplied, and took off again. Through a series of mindless choices with no rhyme or reason she ended up in Gresham home of the Jophiel PMC. She had grown tired of traveling by this point. She stayed in Gresham with no plans for the future. When she started running low on caps she looked around town for a job, none of the jobs seemed interesting enough actually to learn how to do them. So she fell back on what she already knew, she signed up for the PMC.
Marabella carries a Plasma Cutter, a Suppressed Crusader Pistol, a Suppressed Brotherhood Recon Rifle, a Suppressed Gauss Pistol, and an Enclave Plasma Gun (rifle).
Marabella normally uses the Fusion Receiver for her Crusader Pistol, but she keeps the Cyro and Pyro Receivers just in case.
Marabella typically wears a Brotherhood officer suit with a hood under her Elder's battlecoat. For armor, she uses a complete set of Brotherhood recon armor. She also has a Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV.
This character is owned by:
Vasara Glyndark
Character questions
Recent Activity

Mentioned in the post Sevety Six Days Later: Bar Brawl Training Sep 7, 2024, 2:12am
Mentioned in the post Memories May 5, 2024, 6:47pm
Mentioned in the post Last Chance Squad Apr 23, 2024, 6:36pm
Updated character profile Apr 22, 2024, 7:21pm