Seventy Six Days Later

An empty bottle sat in front of him, it was his third tonight. Father Mudge had been in Renne a few days now, with the Jophiel PMC continually evading him. He was slow, everyone knew that, but just as he felt as he was catching up to them they slipped away once again. But he had word that they would be heading hear next, what better way of catching up with them by beating them to the punch. Besides him was a ghoul, stood up straight wiping the bar with a stained cloth. The ghoul got closer to Mudge. "You know I never got your name," the ghoul croaked.

"I never gave it, why does it even matter?" Mudge replied. He started to run his finger around the top of the bottle.

"I only ask because you have been hanging around here, most travellers come and then are done." The ghoul sat down besides him. "I was like you once, wandered into a town with a friend and never left. Now I do my bit, helping out here. At this rate you should be at least cleaning up after all the mess you make," he laughed.

"I'm waiting for some people."

The ghoul looked at him a little surprised. Waiting? For this long? "Where the hell are they coming from if you are still expecting them. It'd probably be quicker to meet them somewhere in the middle."

Father Mudge shook his head. "What is with all the questions? No offense, whatever your name is. But can't you see I don't want to talk to you." He instantly felt regret, his time as a holy man had changed him. Just like the drink changed him.

"Addey is my name, not that you care. I was only trying to help you out. I've had to watch you be all miserable for the past few days. Can't blame someone for trying to help out," the ghoul was upset.

"I'm sorry... Addey, I'm just afraid,"

"About the people you're meeting?"

"Yes," Mudge sighed.

"Well, who are they?" Addey asked, leaning in closer to the man, he was hiding something. There was a lot to be afraid of out in the wasteland, but who was scary enough to turn a man into a sort of depressive shell like this guy.

Father Mudge turned to face Addey directly, an intense fear in his eyes. "Have you ever heard of the Jophiel PMC?" Mudge asked.


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