Showing posts 1 - 15 of 47

Tender Loving Care

Sep 7, 2024, 7:28am by Kronos

They had became separated in a rad storm. It was a storm so strong that he didn't know where they were when it happened. He hadn't seen anything like it, it was powerful and catastrophic. He ...

Seventy Six Days Later: Welcome to Renne

Sep 7, 2024, 2:32am by Vasara Glyndark

Victoria and Syd stayed together for twenty days, he taught her about the world above. Then a radstorm hit Syd attempted to lead them to a shelter to wait it out. Before they could get there ...

Sevety Six Days Later: Bar Brawl Training

Sep 7, 2024, 2:12am by Vasara Glyndark

After extensively training the Last Chance Squad Marabella was finally beginning to see actual soldiers worthy of carrying a gun. She still didn't see any of them worthy of being her second. ...

Seventy Six Days Later: Betrayal and Behandings

Sep 7, 2024, 1:58am by Vasara Glyndark

After striking a deal with her old raiding gang Alessandra and Jazz began working with them, training them to be better shots, leading them on missions not to raid but as mercenaries. There ...

Seventy Six Days Later

Sep 4, 2024, 1:58pm by Kronos

An empty bottle sat in front of him, it was his third tonight. Father Mudge had been in Renne a few days now, with the Jophiel PMC continually evading him. He was slow, everyone knew that, b ...

Dying Man in a Dead Land

Jun 19, 2024, 5:35pm by Kronos

Each step was torture, but he had to carry on. The Brahmin Priest hadn't planned that he would ever make an expedition deep into the wasteland in a state like this. He thought it was all beh ...


Jun 9, 2024, 5:57am by BrotherhoodofSteel

Carn stepped out of his armor with a side relief followed by the popping of some joints. So far their journey was uneventful for the most part. Not that he was surprised. Even the most br ...

Surface Level

Jun 5, 2024, 2:42pm by Kronos

Joint Post with Vasara Glyndark The two were up top: Syd's legs were covered in a layer of quickly drying dirt. He had kicked it back over the hatch, keeping the secret of t ...

How Can I Make Your Day Worse?

May 28, 2024, 4:49pm by Vasara Glyndark

Miss Cheeky was managing her inventory when a customer came up. She spun one of her three eyes around. "Welcome to the best damn store in Renne, Tittie. What can Miss Cheeky get you?" Miss C ...

Dawn of the Demi Mutants

May 17, 2024, 5:57pm by Vasara Glyndark

Joint Post with Kronos Victoria had woken up to the sounds of arguing. She could hear a multitude of people in screaming matches over what to do. It's not like they didn't h ...


May 17, 2024, 2:46pm by Kronos

Mudge woke up, he had brought himself to a terrible state, lying on the floor of the church hungover. All the troubles of his past had rematerliazed in his old favourite past time, the dread ...


May 5, 2024, 6:47pm by Vasara Glyndark

As Jazz left the raider camp she had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Much like the feeling she had after her fellow Vault dwellers started killing each other with the survivors ...

Death of the Giant Plastic Phallus

May 5, 2024, 5:22pm by Vasara Glyndark

That night Alessandra slept soundly since she was sold to the Raiders to be a child soldier. Jazz didn't get much sleep. She understood perfectly why Alessandra did what she did, she prob ...

New Mission

May 2, 2024, 5:02am by BrotherhoodofSteel

Joint Post with Kronos Carn left the maintenance as the knights began working on his armor. Wearing just his flight suit he began walking through Kinton reminded him a bit l ...

Dark Place

May 1, 2024, 4:16am by Kronos

He had waited patiently for those folks from the New California Republic to clear off, he didn't want this place being found by anyone else. When finally he was safe in the cover of darkness ...

Showing posts 1 - 15 of 47