Showing posts 781 - 795 of 2814

You and I

Oct 30, 2022, 1:25pm by White_Caribou

Shalia awoke some time during the night to moonlight streaming through the sheer curtains of the balcony and the windows. It took her a brief moment to remember where she was, the arm wrappe ...

Gra'akast breathes

Oct 30, 2022, 12:54pm by Winteroak

Holy City Gra'akast seemed to hold its breath in expectation and anticipation over what was coming. News that the three Penitents had started the Trial and a new Vessel was being s ...

Arriving At The Fire

Oct 30, 2022, 9:51am by Cindy

JP with Winteroak and Cindy As her mind cleared from the last few experience and following down into the maw of darkness, a sense of familiarity crept over Islana as she walked towards t ...

From the Mountain to The Woods

Oct 30, 2022, 9:15am by Cindy

JP with Largehobbit and Cindy When Islana did finally land it was on soft loamy soil snaked with roots and twigs. Fallen leaves littered the ground and all about her the milling legs o ...

The Mountain Moves

Oct 30, 2022, 6:39am by Largehobbit

JP with Largehobbit and Cindy Once again the people began to speak amongst themselves and this time Balt gave them time consider the words of Islana. He offered her a warm smile, ...

Perhaps Too Much Fun

Oct 29, 2022, 6:58pm by LucianNepreen

Several more bodies followed, either knocked out or beaten to submission as the energy among the crowd only grew. After the fourth man was dragged away and Tarmen stood panting, a chant bega ...

The Mountain

Oct 29, 2022, 12:22pm by Cindy

JP with Largehobbit and Cindy Balt, the two had met, albeit briefly. She was beyond perhaps being surprised by who showed up in this dream of sorts. Why the man was sitting there or ...


Oct 29, 2022, 9:21am by Omni

Now the woman healed by blood magik was back on her feet with more vigor than before and headed straight back to Voah like some kind of revenant. Standing next to another egg, Voah bisect ...

Too Close

Oct 29, 2022, 9:09am by Omni

Just as Voah was turning around, the witch caught her witch a downward strike. Hearing the scuff of sand and feeling a sudden thrill of magik had given her just enough time to make the dagge ...


Oct 29, 2022, 8:57am by Omni

Voah nearly lost her footing when she backed into the witch's censers that still sat in the center of the circle. Voah smiled as a clever thought came to mind. Switching the bastard sword to ...

New enemies

Oct 29, 2022, 4:26am by Winteroak

JP with Omni and Winteroak Ozainae war camp Ba'hela stepped back in shock and surprise more than anger. The blade of the interloper had come close to cleaving her from ...

Into The Circle

Oct 28, 2022, 7:14pm by Omni

JP with Winteroak and Omni Voah felt the old comforting words caress her lips as she whispered them, “Suffer not the witch to live… Smite mine enemies…” But there was no ...

To The Next

Oct 28, 2022, 6:29pm by Cindy

JP with Largehobbit and Cindy This wasn't right. Not Madaya. It was just a dream but felt so very real. "You have been very brave." Islana said to the young girl, reassuring her. ...

Measuring The Cost

Oct 28, 2022, 6:02pm by Omni

The hesitation only lasted for a split second as Voah heeded Gonyaul’s advice and measured the cost What would be the cost of her actions Potentially the lives of a handful of ...

Blood Magik

Oct 28, 2022, 5:54pm by Omni

JP with Winteroak and Omni Below the strange scene unfolded slowly. Each person knelt on the sand and placed the egg in front of their knees. The woman with light brown hair and ...

Showing posts 781 - 795 of 2814