Showing posts 541 - 555 of 2814

Dying to Self

Nov 29, 2022, 12:29am by Lorem

Upon the final delivery of appreciation from Alexis, Gonyaul closed his eyes to rest. He was emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. His half-naked body ached with soreness, bruising ...

Recounting The Skara

Nov 28, 2022, 7:17pm by Cindy

There was a concern in having the egg in the temple. The Sister didn't trust it wouldn't just hatch open and a baby one of the giant nightmares wou ...

The Prophetess Panics

Nov 28, 2022, 6:11pm by White_Caribou

JP with Cindy and White_Caribou That left one bag, Islana had noticed the care which Shalia had put the last package on the table. That same care was noticeable now as well. An ...

Holy Curios

Nov 28, 2022, 3:12pm by White_Caribou

JP with Cindy and White_Caribou Shalia's silence and sudden smothering of the recollection had caused something new to display upon her bruised face. Her brow furrowed, nose wrinkl ...

Tarmen Enlists

Nov 27, 2022, 9:37pm by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lorian Alexis looked at Voah with a gentle expression. This had to be so unimaginable hard for her. “I would have you any day, piuthar.” She ...

Voah Enlists

Nov 27, 2022, 9:35pm by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lorian Alexis sighed. “Listen, everyone. We have all been through shit tonight. And realistically, we are not going anywhere for a while.” Sh ...

Put in His Place

Nov 27, 2022, 10:44am by Lorem

JP with Omni and Lorem There were a lot of things she could say to hurt him right now. Was she supposed to give up her life, her past, her job, her Gods, her desires? While he was bein ...

The Roots of Tension

Nov 27, 2022, 7:51am by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lucian. Her words struck him deep in the heart and caused him to look at her stunned. She was saying he was wrong and blaming him for how he felt? Like ...

Lovers’ Quarrel

Nov 27, 2022, 7:50am by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lucian. “Because know better now.” He was referring to all the new information Alexis just dropped on them, along with everyone else’s additions. ...

Questioning Her Beau

Nov 27, 2022, 7:42am by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lucian. Voah wasn’t comfortable with the idea of Gonyaul going into danger, especially after last night and Alexis planned on going back against the b ...

Then There Was Two

Nov 27, 2022, 7:40am by Lorem

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lucian. Gonyaul looked down at himself. He was beaten and bruised with wounds and a worrisome fever. In ever instance of confrontation to date, he had ...

Names and Faces

Nov 27, 2022, 3:43am by White_Caribou

JP with Cindy and White_Caribou Shalia nodded at the question about which language the journal was in. "I know it," she had replied confidently. She was beginning to collect her ...

Fosia Claims…

Nov 27, 2022, 12:59am by Omni

JP with Bandorchu, Lucian, Lorem and Omni Alexis’ story was a lot for anyone to take in and Voah was no exception. Perhaps the most surprising part was that they had run into nat ...

History Lesson II

Nov 27, 2022, 12:50am by Omni

JP with Bandorchu, Lucian, and Lorem Hearing the history she had learned fascinated Tarmen, lofting his funk a bit so that he could listen. Once he could use both hands again he wo ...

History Lesson I

Nov 27, 2022, 12:39am by Omni

JP with Bandorchu, Lucian, and Lorem “Don’t make promises you don’t know you can keep.” Alexis smiled somewhat mirthfully. She closed her eyes for a moment, collecting ...

Showing posts 541 - 555 of 2814