Characters in this post

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Roots of Tension
JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu and Lucian.
Her words struck him deep in the heart and caused him to look at her stunned. She was saying he was wrong and blaming him for how he felt? Like this was the first time he heard her declare such things. They had not communicated well at all on these matters. And the tension that caused had built up pressure under the surface and was now bursting out.
He was about to unleash back at her. It was obvious in his tense body language that he wanted to yell back and explain how sneaking off and breaking and entering the dark robes hideout was not in their relationships best interest. Stealing from them was not in their relationships best interest. Trusting Alcuin over him, going to the war camp, and more. All of these things were not necessary. His agreeable nature tried and failed to stop his tongue.
He yelled back, the extra emotion making his Vauxian accent sound even thicker. “You willingly chose to FLIRT with danger with complete disregard for well-being of our family in making. You RISKED our chance for peace and fresh start, for WHAT?”
He bit his lip hard, to keep from continuing shouting back. It wouldn’t do any good, the kind part of him counseled, to throw things in her face to which he already forgave her for. No, the real issue was deeper.
He shouted back with insecurity. “I thought I have been losing you heart to other things. I so mad at these things. And tonight … “ he choked up to the point he couldn’t speak. His voice wheezed fighting to break free.
“Tonight I think things take you forever from me. I am now disgusting monster that you no desire to look upon.” He was referring to his new scars to be and the way Shalia especially reacted to him which he didn’t understand why she did that. He coughed a few times, getting worked up. “And now I no know if I can trust you to have best interests at heart, or will I be cast out if your old life willing to take you back.” He had to look away in embarrassed shame at his statements, he was an emotional wreck.
Still listening and starting to wonder if she should take Tarmen upstairs so the two could hash things out, Alexis frowned.
By the sounds of it, Voah and Gonyaul had gone through their fair share of trials and tribulations, putting their relationship to the test. The way this argument was going however felt… one-sided.
Voah was a deeply devout and driven person. Yet here she was, having left behind what defined her very being. Or tried to. It wasn’t that easy. The mercenary would know. She wondered if Gonyaul did, too.
She returned Tarmen’s look, trying to convey a question whether they should give them privacy with a somewhat helpless expression.