Reincarnated, and it feels so good

Shortly after the ritual was completed Demonsbane came back with the rest of the party.

Fera didn't bother to watch the trap, she began hunting food, she brought back a couple of deers and a small owlbear. She was sporting a fairly significant scratch across her face when she came back but she didn't care about it.

Tav was reading during the long boring trapping procedure. It was part 1 of The Bhaalspawn Saga. She had read both volumes multiple times. She applied to the Flaming Fist multiple times to be more like her hero but they rejected her everytime. So she became a freelance mercenary. If she had been successful she might be a Mind Flayer right now.

Shi'za was only interested in watching because she wanted to be ready to pounce when things went wrong. Shadowfang he dropped to his knees and meditated. Shadowfang the sword was stuck in the ground in front of Shadowfang keeping watch.

When Arc came out requesting assistance in bringing the corpses in, Shadowfang was disgusted by it but ultimately complied. Tav didn't like having the bodies on the ship it was creepy, but if that's what they needed to do she would just never go in there. Demonsbane grabbed them two at a time and began carrying them inside. Carla the Cleric insisted on fixing up Fera's face before Fera was allowed to handle corpses. Vallana was way too small to carry a corpse she did loot the non-Mind Flayer corpses for anything that could be sold and stored them on the ship. She didn't see anything that might be super valuable. Shadowfang grabbed two corpses at a time and dragged them inside.

Turkleton the Druid waited until all the corpses were together and separated the Mind Flayer corpses. He then cast reincarnate on all of the non-Mind Flayer bodies. He led the group of naked people to the equipment that Vallana gathered and they put on what they were able to fit into. He then gave each a small amount of coin for their trouble.

Vallana happen to notice the loot was gone. She went to the druid who was nearby and questioned him about it. "I reincarnated the dearly departed and gave them back their earthly desires." Vallana wished she had seen that. "Let me know next time I wanna see."

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