Image of Dagon The Spelljammer NPC

Summary: A retrofitted Nautiloid Spelljammer Ship

Dagon The Spelljammer NPC

Owned by:

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Group: Transportation

Race/Class/Background/Fighting Style (if applicable)

A mind flayer Nautiloid Spelljammer Ship.
Gargantuan vehicle (90 ft. by 30 ft.)
Creature Capacity 35 crew, 20 passengers
Cargo Capacity 34 tons
Travel Pace 5 miles per hour (120 miles per day)
Abilities Str 20 (+5), Dex 8 (-1), Con 17 (+3), Int 0, Wis 0, Cha 0
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
Type: Spelljammer
Built by: Mind flayers
Used by: Mind flayers
Value: 35,000 gp
Tonnage: 35 tons
4 large ballistae on sides
10 small ballistae (8 sides and 2 back
1 catapult in front
1 Magic Cannon in front
1 jettison
Piercing ram
Cargo tonnage: 17 tons
Keel length: 180 ft (55 m)
Beam width: 30 ft (9.1 m)

Brief History

This Nautiloid Spelljammer Ship was found crashed and very damaged. It was repaired by Luna the dark elf Artificer and heavily modified to fly again. The Pilot is a construct and the power source was replaced by a very large Dybbuks which are an incorporeal race of jellyfish-like demons that inhabit the Abyss.

Ship's Pilot:
Mechanical Octopus:
Small construct, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 40 ft.
2 (-4) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Skills Sleight of Hand +4
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak
Challenge ? (25 XP)
Transform. A creature attuned to the mechanical octopus can speak its command word to cause the octopus to transform into any artisan’s tools or thieves’ tools or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While in tool form, the octopus can’t take any actions or reactions.
Synthesize. The octopus can synthesize various compounds and reagents. It can consume a flask of oil during a long rest to produce a vial of acid, a vial of basic poison, a vial of rare ink, or a flask of alchemist’s fire. These compounds are unstable and lose their potency within eight hours.
Tentacles (true Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 10). Until this grapple ends, the octopus can’t use its tentacles on another target.
Obscuring Cloud (recharge short or long Rest). A 5-foot-radius cloud of chemicals extends all around the octopus, as ink if it is underwater or smoke otherwise. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current or wind can disperse the cloud.
Mechanical octopuses are marvels of engineering, allowing gnome tinkers to travel with all the tools of their workshop at their fingertips. Although these constructs are capable of travel in most types of terrain, mechanical octopuses seem to favor being carried by their creators, often latching onto them like a backpack or belt.
All-in-one. Mechanical octopuses are built to have the tool for any job. Each of its eight mechanical arms, as well as its head, contain countless instruments, containers, ingredients, and other miscellanea that could be found in various artisans’ toolkits. Mechanical octopuses and their contents are largely waterproof, wear-resistant, and unmarred by the natural aging of their materials. Although favored by the gnomes, even stubborn dwarven smiths and tinkers are fond of mechanical octopuses as well.
Tinker’s Assistant. Mechanical octopuses kept in use for long enough often end up displaying greater intelligence than they were originally designed with, showing anticipatory preparation for the needs of their creators. Some mechanical octopuses will even continue their creator’s work after they have died.
The intelligence of these constructs is threatening to some gnome tinkers, and there is a fringe group of gnomes in the Under Dark that believe all of the mechanical octopuses and their blueprints should be destroyed, lest their artificial intellect grow beyond the control of the tinkers themselves.

Ships Power Source:
Dybbuks: In their natural form they appear as translucent flying jellyfish with long trailing tentacles. Abilities
The dybbuks featured in Campaign Two were able to possess the corpses of Huge creatures, so they did not have exactly the same abilities as those drawn from the Monster Manual, 5th Ed., which are as follows:

Condition Immunities - charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Magic Resistance - The dybbuk has advantage on saving throws from spells and other magical effects.
Possess Corpse (Recharge 6) - The dybbuk disappears into an intact corpse of a large Huge or smaller creature within 5 feet. The dybbuk assumes the creature's stat block with the creature type becoming undead until the corpse's hitpoints are reduced to 0 or the dybbuk chooses to leave the corpse using a bonus action, at which point it reappears within 5ft of the corpse.
Violate Corpse - Whilst possessing a corpse the dybbuk can use a bonus action to make it do something unnatural and/or horrifying. Any beast or humanoid who sees this behavior must pass DC 12 wisdom save or become frightened of the dybbuk for 1 minute, and a successful save makes the target immune to the effect for 24 hours.
Innate Spellcasting (Charisma-based):
Dimension door - at will
Fear - 3/day
Phantasmal force - 3/day
Darkvision 120ft
Passive Perception 14
Known dybbuks: After Vence Nuthaleus placed an Abyssal anchor in the Braan, a stone giant fortress in the Penumbra Range, a couple of dybbuks passed through the rift from the Abyss and helped take over the fortress, possessing the recently deceased corpse of Soorna's brother Oombad and driving the surviving giants out of their home; the giants took over the Deepriver Mining Camp in the area as a defensible space. The Mighty Nein, who had been called in to remove the giants from the camp, helped the giants to remove the demons from their home and disable the anchor.

History: Typical nautiloids looked like enormous nautilus shells fitted with an exterior deck and rubbery tentacles protruding from the forward section. They were extremely silent and almost impossible to detect in the dark.
The coiled shell in the aft section of a nautiloid served to protect the mind flayer crew from the Sun, as well as to provide a comfortable closed space. The shells were harvested from enormous snails indigenous to an unknown world. The tentacles were used to examine the surfaces of planets in search of specimens or prey.
Nautiloids typically had a crew of between 10 and 15 mind flayers, plus a complement of slaves (typically humanoids) to operate risky positions on deck. The maximum complement a nautiloid could hold without compromising its air supply was 35 individuals.
The majority of nautiloids were powered by series helms, but some were also equipped with pool helms. The latter configuration of vessel was more dangerous to encounter, as it freed from two to five crewmembers from having to helm the vessel and allowed them to participate in combat.
Some nautiloids were equipped with "transponders", which allowed them to shift from one plane of existence to another.
Nautiloid series helms were acquired by mind flayers through trade with the Arcane. It was assumed that the Arcane merchants also helped the illithids develop the technology, for unknown purposes.
In the mid-14th century DR, nautiloids were employed in a variety of functions, such as pirate ships, trade vessels, and in spy missions. It was also common for the mind flayers inhabiting Glyth to place a seemingly abandoned nautiloid on a spaceport as bait to attract enemies and runaway slaves.
Id ascendant-5e
Carrion crawlers escaping from the Id Ascendant nautiloid after crashing in Icewind Dale.
By the late 15th century DR, nautiloids had become extremely rare. A few mind flayer colonies still had access to a nautiloid, but kept their existence hidden and only used their ships for evacuation of the elder brain in case of an emergency or rarely during an offensive maneuver, owing to their constant fear of being detected by gith hunting parties. At this time, the illithids had lost the secrets of constructing new nautiloids and did not dare risk losing the few they had left.
In the winter of 1489 DR, the research nautiloid Id Ascendant crashed in southern Icewind Dale near the Spine of the World.
A few years later, another nautiloid crashed into the banks of the River Chionthar after having traveled to Avernus in the Nine Hells. That vessel had a number of captive individuals, each of which had been implanted with an illithid tadpole.
Later that year, the elder brain known as the Absolute summoned a small fleet of nautiloids, numbering at least twelve, to attack the city of Baldur's Gate.


Ammo: Long spikes, rocks, metal bolas, scrap metal, nets
4 large ballistae on sides
10 small ballistae (8 sides and 2 back
1 catapult in front
1 Magic Cannon in front
Piercing ram in front
1 Jettison: A jettison is an anti-personnel weapon, and is designed to launch a cloud of stones, iron spikes, trash and other debris at a target ship in the hope of injuring the crew without damaging the ship itself. J

Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


Creature Capacity 35 crew, 20 passengers
Cargo tonnage: 17 tons

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Image of Dagon The Spelljammer NPC
Mentioned in the post Into The Fray Jan 21, 2025, 3:30pm
Mentioned in the post Battle Up Jan 19, 2025, 2:43pm
Updated character profile Jan 19, 2025, 2:36pm
Mentioned in the post Dragon Hunting Prep Jan 2, 2025, 12:26pm
Updated character profile Dec 29, 2024, 9:02pm
Mentioned in the post We Gonna Hunt A Dragon Dec 29, 2024, 12:30am
Mentioned in the post Arrival in Yartar Dec 28, 2024, 2:53pm
Mentioned in the post Passing Time Dec 26, 2024, 1:16pm
Mentioned in the post Fight Club needs rules Dec 25, 2024, 4:53pm
Mentioned in the post Boat Trip Dec 24, 2024, 1:21pm
Mentioned in the post New bar and betting Dec 8, 2024, 9:24pm
Mentioned in the post New Course Dec 8, 2024, 11:21am
Updated character profile Oct 26, 2024, 3:42pm
Updated character profile Oct 26, 2024, 3:40pm
Updated character profile Oct 22, 2024, 7:16pm
Updated character profile Oct 22, 2024, 7:16pm
Updated character profile Oct 22, 2024, 7:15pm
Updated character profile Oct 22, 2024, 7:10pm
Updated character profile Oct 22, 2024, 7:10pm
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