Image of Fera Farrowwoods

Summary: The Deadstalker

Fera Farrowwoods

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Group: Anti-Emperor

Race/Class/Background/Fighting Style (if applicable)

Race: Dhampyr (human)

Class: Rogue

Subclass: Assassin

Background: Faction Agent

Brief History

Fera’s mother was a poor widow who applied for the wrong job at the wrong time. She took a job working as a live-in maid for a vampire. She was pregnant at the time. The vampire routinely fed on her, especially because she was pregnant. After the child was born the vampire had the mother killed. The vampire raised Fera as his daughter. She was trained to be an assassin from an early age to do her master’s bidding and to protect the vampires during the day.

For several years Fera did her master’s bidding. She was sent on a long-term assignment overseas to secure a relic her master believed would assure his ascension. She scoured the continent looking for it. She finally found the item, a scroll. A scroll she sacrificed her left hand to acquire. A scroll that had rotted away. What was left of the scroll could be read clearly in parts. She managed to piece together that the scroll itself was merely instructions, the one ingredient that could be read was an extinct flower species. Fera was angry, she vowed to kill her master for the needless waste of her time and body.

She tracked down a wizard to help her replace what she lost, using a chunk of darksteel he enchanted it to replace her left hand. After making her body hole she made the long journey back to her master. She started by dwindling his forces. Any vampire she found she killed. Any dhampyr she found she tried to recruit if that failed killed. Eventually, her master only had his personal guard left to protect him. She also gathered other like-minded individuals who wanted to eradicate vampires. Gathering her allies they broke out all the windows to his castle from a distance and assaulted the castle during the day. The battle lasted well into the night. When it came time to inflict the killing blow on her master, she plunged her darksteel hand into his chest and yanked out his heart. She drank the blood from the heart.

After her master’s death, she burned his home to the ground and began stalking the lands for anything vampiric. She eventually heard of a Vampire Spawn who overthrew his master to become a Vampire Ascendant. She came looking to find and kill him.


Assassin's Touch, Vampiric Dagger, Assassin's Shortsword, Hand Crossbow


Studded Leather Armor, Leather gloves, Leather boots


Thieves' Tools, Trap Disarm Toolkit, Grappling hook, darksteel prosthetic hand

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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Fera Farrowwoods
Mentioned in the post Marching Orders Oct 21, 2024, 11:14pm
Mentioned in the post The Ice Breaker Oct 20, 2024, 4:17pm
Mentioned in the post Narrator Oct 20, 2024, 3:28pm
Mentioned in the post Stupid creep interrupting Oct 20, 2024, 3:12pm
Mentioned in the post Recruitment for the Lord’s Alliance Military Oct 19, 2024, 8:58pm
Mentioned in the post Arrival in Waterdeep Oct 18, 2024, 8:54pm
Updated character profile Oct 18, 2024, 7:11pm
Mentioned in the post