On A Carriage Ride Part 1
Apr 1, 2023, 5:41pm
Date: May 7th
Location: Carriage to Elizabeth Ellington's house in Paris
As Dr. Jackal continued to read the leather bound book, he became more shocked by the information. The book read ...
Deals Made In Back Alleys (Part one)
Apr 1, 2023, 5:28pm
Jp with mdman and Cindy
The back allies and seedier parts of Paris, smelled of dirt, rotten food, opium dens and alcohol mixed-up together to a smell Laurent would only describe as "the p ...
To The History of Habation
Apr 1, 2023, 5:23pm
JP with Redsword and Cindy
Once Elizabeth and Sung were escorted off the airship. The Eldren took a moment to take in the Exposition. She had been here a few weeks but between getting ...
Apr 1, 2023, 12:10am
May 7, 1889
Paris, France
Tristin walked along the exhibits of the Paris Exhibition taking in the crowd, the new wonders to view, new people to meet. It was also the time to take note of ...
Waiting In The Parlor
Mar 31, 2023, 9:41pm
May 9, 1889
Paris, France
Ellington Residence
Dumont took the last bite of Gruyere from a tiny silver fork, "Mmm... mon préféré.." He closed his eyes and took in the savory ta ...
Backseat Driver
Mar 30, 2023, 2:31pm
Paris, France
Date: May 9, 1889
Location: On route to Lady Elizabeth's House
Backseat Driver
Lorem's father, Nostrud, was not as keen on the speeds and handling of the steam g ...
Reaching Out
Mar 30, 2023, 7:50am
Date: May 7th
Location: Senlis, France: The Abbey of St. Vincent - (French Abbaye Saint-Vincent de Senlis), was a former monastery of canons regular in Senlis, Oise, which was dissolved ...
Lorem’s Dampfwagen
Mar 30, 2023, 4:54am
Paris, France
Date: May 9, 1889
Location: Wuppertal Zeppelin & Hangar (Exposition Grounds)
Lorem's Dampfwagen
Lorem was hyper focused for the next hour in the attempt to compl ...
Rough Travels
Mar 29, 2023, 8:05pm
The trip to Paris was a rough one, especially for Cronk. The first leg of the journey wasn’t bad, as Quinn and Cronk traveled by horseback from Dunkirk to Dublin. Cronk’s horse had to be ...
Another Arrival
Mar 29, 2023, 6:52pm
May 9, 1889
Paris, France
Ange Dumont found the steam-powered carriage, or "horseless coach", to be an impressive marvel to behold, with its unique combination of sounds, smells, ...
An Invitation To Tea
Mar 29, 2023, 5:29pm
JP with Redsword, Lorem and Cindy
The staff had been informed of the possible guest and what Elizabeth expected for that. Tea would be served with the food that had been requested.
T ...
History of Habitation
Mar 28, 2023, 10:11pm
Vor strolled through the mass of people in the Exposition, lazily glancing at the sights around him. He was focused on getting to the grand structures that held the art, but figured he shoul ...
To Paris We Go
Mar 28, 2023, 9:34pm
Cronk wondered what the boss wanted. Usually, it involves breaking few legs if someone didn’t pay what was owed.
The bosses name was Micky Quinn. When Cronk walked in, Quinn was enjoy ...